Unlikely Character Concept

That is the general idea. :grin:


XD this is so that dude he does all of those thing XD you just made my day

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Mr crocker is a :star::star: damage/control hero


Basic attack:kicks the enemy

Entrance:gets out of his fairy hunting van

Victory:laughs maniacally

Defeat:spazzes out and then falls flat on his face


White:fairy ray

Crocker uses his special fairy catching ray to stun and damage enemies for x amount.

Green:f’s a plenty

Crocker gives two enemies a f which decreases their attack speed and armor for x seconds.

Blue:anti-fairy magic

Mr crocker channels his inner anti-magic to zap all enemies which damages them for x amount.

Purple:must be the work of!!!

Mr crocker gains x amount of energy and a attack power boost when he uses his “fairy ray”


Mr crocker/merida
Wisp or fairy??

Mr crockers skill power increases by 25% for each star added.

Mr crocker/kim possible
Substitute teacher

Mr crocker now gains 30% more health when defeating a “failed” enemy.


Micheal Myers concept coming tomorrow
:ghost: :smiley:

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GhostFace coming tomorrow :ghost::anguished:

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Okay Michael Myers concept coming in a few hours :ghost: :smile:

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My concept: Four (BFB)


“That’s Why its called process of elimination.”

Basic attack: Four throws a yoylecake at opponets,dealing 4 damage.

White: Four’s 3D hand
Four grabs a black hole and slings it at 2 opponets, dealing 22 damage.

Green:Rejoining Contestant
Four Pulls out a BFB contestant and slings it at the enemy dealing 12 damage.

Blue: S C R E E C H
Four Screeches, stunning 3 enemies.

Purple: You got the most amount of votes!
Four grabs the strongest enemy and sends them to the TLC.

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I’ve been thinking of so many skills For Micheal Myers For a year now so now that I found this thread I can finally do a skill set :grin:

Micheal Myers is a :star::star: Damage

There he is on the battlefield staring, Stalking, the enemies roll in fear, be careful

”I’m Not Micheal, I’m A Clown!”

HP: 50K
Basic Damage: 3400
Armor: 1000
Reality: 2300
Tenacity: 80

White: Obsessed
Passive: Micheal Myers becomes ”obsessed” with one enemy if Micheal Myer damages that ”Obsessed” enemy, Micheal Myers gains X Armor once the ”Obsessed” enemy is K.O.E.D all Allies get 3% increased speed for movement and 10% increased speed for attacks for 10 seconds the ”Obsessed” effect can be given to any enemy after the original ”Obsessed” enemy is K.O.E.D.

The ”Obsessed” enemy takes 7% more damage from all sources

Active: Micheal Myers ”Stalks” all enemies ”Stalking” causes Micheal Myers to add ”Fear” to all enemies ”Fear” causes all enemies fantastic skills and damage unusable for 5 seconds, after ”Stalking” Micheal Myers stabs the closest enemy dealing x damage and DOT.

Green: Stalker Of The Night
Now when Micheal Myers ”Stalks” he scares the weakest enemy if the enemy isn’t dealt any fantastic damage when scared the enemy is unable to be healed for 4 seconds

Blue: A Bad Seed
When ever Micheal Myers K.Os Micheal gets healed for X health when an Allie K.Os a enemy Micheal gains X basic damage.

Purple: Ritualistic Rebirth
Once K.O.E.D Micheal will Rise and gain energy (kinda like felixes healing) and do his active leaving ”Fear” on the two strongest enemies for the whole match and then finally get K.O.E.D
this skill isn’t really meant to be a revive just him doing his active once again one more time just a lot more stronger


Micheal Myers / Jack Skellington
Monsters Rebirth

Micheal Myers finds shelter in the town of Halloween Jack and Sally welcome Micheal with open arms unknowing of his horrid past ,soon the creeps invade the town

A Bad Seed “ now heals all allies for x Health all scares done by Micheal last 2 seconds longer
Allies: Sally, Hades and Scar
+2300 Skill Power

Micheal Myers / Scar
Dark Secrets Of The Past

Micheal Myers goes through all the creeps just to be lost and later finds Scar Micheal plans to use him as food but they soon hit it off and make it through the horde of creeps and find allies on the way and share dark secrets

DOT done by ”Obsessed” affects all enemies once DOT is finished 2 enemies are stunned.
Allies: Laurie Strode, The Grey Lady and Hercules
+3400 health

Hints for my next unlikely characters​:anguished: :grinning:

Thanks for reading :smiley:


Micheal Myers concept is currently out😀 If anyone has thoughts feel free to share

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image GhostFace a :star:Control
Quote: Hello Sydney
Entrance:twists head and stares at enemies
K.O: trips over

Basic attack: stabs a enemy

White Skill Caller of death : Calls a enemy scaring them and stunning them for 9 seconds

Green Skill Slice through Drew:GhostFace tortures a enemy by putting them in a chair trapping them in chains and putting duck tape on their mouth before finally stabbing through them this does Fantastic damage animation lasts for 6 seconds

Blue Skill Real Killing Sprees: GhostFace after K’OING a enemy Attack is raised 30%

Purple skill How to survive a horror movie : GhostFace pulls out a screen detracting his enemies for 5 seconds so allies can attack

Friendships : Disclaimer the disks are my other 2 horror characters I made

GhostFace-Michael Pale Faces: GhostFace White skill now Stuns enemies for twice as long 18 secs

GhostFace-Freddy Krueger Nightmare In CallStreet : Now GhostFace Purple Skill gives him 400 Energy after use


Some people just churn out waaayyyy too many concepts that of course they’re not that great and don’t get that many likes.


Please take your time on concepts and don’t say your next concept you will post. Don’t feel rushed and try to do something that’s never been done before while staying in the boundaries(no instakills, passive purple skill etc.)


For a good concept, try to have good movie inspiration, good balance(not too weak, not too strong), and synergy between skills. The last one is the one I see the least of.

Let’s take hades and his skills for example of synergy between skills.
His blue makes him deal more damage the less hp he has.
His purple skill lets his hp dip low and deal more damage without him having to worry about dying.
His green skill helps him take more damage to scale his damage quicker.
His white deals damage over a long time to allow more time for hades to get hurt before it’s done.

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It’s definitely creative, but with so many stacks it gets a bit confusing.

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Thank you for the info sorry if it was complicated just was really inspired since there are so many movies of him and such so I got really inspired😁 thanks for reading my concept😄

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Was my GhostFace Good yes or no?

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A little OP and his green skill is kinda messy but ehh it was ok

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I feel like the ambassador summed it up quite well. It felt rushed and unbalanced.


Yes the main thing of horror movies is being messy lol

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Yes that was the word I was looking for it did feel rushed and basic

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