Unlikely Character Concept

See! Your concepts are rapid fire and you do like 3 concepts a day


I can’t stop you, but try to slow down and optimize any other characters you might’ve posted today. See if you can make their skills work together.
White: deal damage and stun
Green: heal
Blue: deal damage
Purple: heal when using white

Isn’t very thought out. Try to do something like

White: damage all enemies. This does more for each standing ally.
Green: damage an enemy. deal more damage for each defeated ally.
Blue: when an ally falls below half hp, grant them armor and reality.
Purple: allies gain 15% life steal
This focuses around being stronger with more allies and keeping allies alive.


I only made 1 character to day and I made no characters yesterday also prince you have liked almost all my concepts

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Oh okay that makes perfect senses

Cough cough “friendship disks” cough cough

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1 a day is really pushing it @SpiderHog. 1 every 3 days is a healthy amount. Think, how will white work with blue, how will blue work with purple, how will these skills work together as a whole etc.

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I Only liked (excuse my language) fr**king of your 2 concepts

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Dude GhostFace was 1 in 2 days so yea I don’t do every day I didn’t do one yesterday now can you stop spamming the same thing over and over and over

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Ok. Most of the concepts here have only gotten five at the most likes in the past days. Except mine. Why? I put a lot of thought into it and I don’t make concepts 24/7


I don’t make 24/7 character concepts i usually do two per day


I’m sorry if I’m coming across as rude or repetitive.

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It’s still a lot 1 is enough


It’s a hyperbole. Two per day is also a lot

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Dude I haven’t made a Concept in 3 days

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How is that 24/7

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…its probably not

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I remember when the Unlikely Character Concept wasn’t a debate club


Lol Pepperidge farms also remembers. (The meme)

But seriously let’s get on topic. Make unlikely concepts but put a little more thought into it!


:upside_down_face::confused::slightly_frowning_face::unamused:really did you guys watch Scream ? Because I did especially the green skill but yes we should if anyone besides me and pan would make Concepts and not just talk about other peoples but yes this is getting old

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If you think that’s what’s getting old is that, then you’re a hypocrite. What’s getting old is seeing the same, generic, bland concepts which I’ve gotten really tired of. But as @TherMasterStitch said, let the concepts continue.

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Im all in for creating character concepts :smiley:

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