Unlikely Character Concept

I don’t usually make friendships for heroes not in game yet, but if he did have a friendship with Jimmy, it would look like this:

Discobot/Jimmy Jukebox
Discobot gains X skill power
“Roll 2d6” gives a 9% times S attack speed boost
Discobot uses “Roll 2d6” 10% times S more often


I didn’t want the list to go on forever.

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@discobot quote
Wonder what kind of quotes it’ll have?

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:left_speech_bubble: The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. — Abraham Lincoln


wow good job discobot!!

@discobot fortune

will I make it to the moon??


:crystal_ball: My sources say no


:open_mouth: oh…ok…thank you for your honesty :cry: sniff


Hey, just because he said you won’t make it to the moon doesn’t mean you’ll fall short. He never said you won’t make it to Mars!


I come back 2 see dis topic explode with comments.

Wow. :hushed:


I feel like I should make a concept 4 dis Duo. So, for my fifth unlikely character concept is gonna be Bumblebee, the Duo of Yang & Blake from RWBY. Since the Duo arrived in their own RWBY game, I just think i should make dis concept 2 celebrate their arrival.


Bumblebee is a strong 3 star Frontline tank. A rather unlikely duo, the quiet agile Blake & the rambuncitious, powerful Yang come together in a neat black & yellow package. Requiring more trust than the other combination attacks. Bumblebee grows stronger as the two become more like each other. A little courage from the scaredy-cat, & a bit of cool from the burning sun is a lot to defeat a crowd of creeps.

“Because I run away too much” -Blake
“I may not be faster, but I’m smarter” -Yang

Apperance- Yang & Blake in their coustumes from Volume 4-6.

Basic attack- Yang punches with her robotic arm & Blake slashes with her sword.

White: Bumblebee Move- Blake uses her ribbon to swing Yang into the enemy team, dealing X damage to all enemies. Enemies also take X damage for Y seconds.

Green: Bumblebee Ride- Yang’s motorcycle comes in. Yang & Blake jump on & ride across the enemy team. Slowing the enemy team’s speed for 75% for Y seconds.

Blue: Bumblebee Courage- Blake holds Yang’s robotic arm, healing them for Y health & giving 30% attack speed for Y seconds.

Purple: Together- Bumblebee gains extra Y armor & Y health.

Entrance- Yang & Blake ride into battle on the Yang’s motorcycle, getting off & ready to fight.

Victory- Blake hugs Yang happily. Yang hugs Blake in return, feeling happy as well.

Defeat- Blake falls to the floor defeated & Yang feeling sad.


Bumblebee/ Sulley & Boo
The power of Teamwork
+200 skill power
Bumblebee Move now slows down enemies attack speed by 50% for Y seconds.

Thats sweet
+500 health
Bumblebee Courage shares 25% of the health to allies.

Tell me wot u think about it. :grin:


Hmm, let me try out discobot.

Hey @discobot fortune

Is RWBY a good show in ur opinion?

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:crystal_ball: Reply hazy try again

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Aw darn. Must try something else

@discobot fortune

Am I fast?

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:crystal_ball: As I see it, yes

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Woah! I’m fast! Yeah!

starts running a mile


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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Fine Imma go anime!

Characters from Boku No My Hero Academia. Spoilers maybe.

Hero: Midoriya

Midoriya, the newest wielder of One for All, the world’s greatest hero, comes into battle with fists ready to decimate the enemy. And he always has a plan at his disposal.

Basic attack: punches enemy.

Row: front

Role: Tank

White skill: One for All, Full Power.

Midoriya activates One for All sending a shockwave through the enemies that deals X amount of fantastic damage and stunning enemies for 3 seconds.

Green skill: Analyze.

After the first 15 seconds of combat, if Midoriya is still alive, He inflicts study on all opponents for 14 seconds.

Study is only active for 7 seconds if the enemy is above lvl Y.

Blue skill: To be a hero.
Midoriya redirects all damage inflicted on back and middle row allies to himself if they are below 20% HP.

Whhen he does this, Midoriya takes X less of the total damage.

Purple skill: Never turn it off.

Midoriya’s normal attacks now deal an additional X amount of basic damage.

Hero: Bakugo

Meet Bakugo, hard headed, explosive -sweating hero to be. Rivals with Midoriya, he hopes to surpass him one day.

Basic attack: Blasts with a small explosive.

Row: Front

Role: Damage

White skill: Balugo unleashes a huge explosion that hits all enemies dealing more damage to closer enemies.

Deals X to Y damage depending on how much close the enemy is. Deals Fantastic damage.

Green skill: Move Extras!!

Bakugo shoves all allies behind himself and then blasts the closest enemy with a explosion that deals X normal damage.

Blue skill: A fiery temper.

For every support character in your team, Bakugo gains X skill power.

Purple skill: Explosion king

Basic attacks now deal AoE radius. And have a 10% chance to stun an enemy.

Enemies above lvl Y cannot be stunned.

Hero: Todoroki

Todoroki is half fire and half ice. He originally rejected his Right side as an insult to his Father but learned to use the power given him through the influence of young Midoriya.

Basic attack: shoots a ice shard

Row: Middle

Role: Control

White skill: To let out your anger.

Todoroki creates a giant ice wall using his ice side. This deals X basic damage to the front row of enemies and knocks them back.

Green skill: A burning pain.

Todoroki ignites his right side and sends a wave of flames to hit an opponent. This deals X amount of basic damage upon impact and inflicts deals X amount of damage over time.

Enemy is silenced during this period of time.

Blue skill: Control is key.

Todoroki sends a wave of fire inflicting burn on all enemies dealing X amount of damage over 5 seconds. After this time, Todoroki sends a wave of ice freezing all enemies for 5 seconds.

Purple skill: You wanna be a hero?

Todoroki grants allies X amount of armor when they drop below 20% HP. He also freezes any enemy that attacks that ally for 3 seconds.

Todoroki cannot freeze multiple enemies at a time.

Hero: Uraka

Uraka entered the hero traing program to help people. And with her quirk, she can make anything have zero gravity.

Basic attack: Throws a levitated brick.

Row: Back

Role: Control

White skill: Just a touch.

Uraka runs through the enemy and touches all enemies causing them to levitate for 5 seconfs.

While levitating, they can only activate supporting abilities. After this time, they fall back down to the ground and take X amount or normal damage.

Green skill: makes you lighter.

At the start of combat, Uraka uses her zero gravity on the outfits of all her allies
Increasing their attack speed by 50% and their movement speed by 20% for 15 seconds.

This effect is reduced to 20% and 5% for allies above lvl Y.

Blue skill: See you at the finals.

Throughout the fight, Uraka gathers materials which she sends floating above her head. When this skill triggers, she releases it and it falls dealing X normal damage and stunning enemies for 5 seconds.

Purple skill: Here to assist.

Uraka deals 25% more damage to damage type enemies and gains X basic attack everytime she KO’s a damage hero.

Hero: Tsu

This is Tsu. Her quirk is Frog giving her many of the abilities a frog has. This helps be very useful on the battlefield.

Basic attack: shoots tongue out at enemies before pulling it back.

Row: Back

Role: Support

White skill: Tongue twister

Tsu wraps her tongue around to enemies and oulls them close together and to herself. They are stunned for two seconds after being released.

The stun has a chance to fail against enemies lvl Y and up.

Green skill: Leap of Faith

Tsu leaps forward and hits an enemy dealing X normal damage and stunning that enemy for seconds.

Blue skill: Following orders. Tsu raises the reality and armor of all allies by X amount for 8 seconds.

Purple skill: Tong Tied.

Tsu’s basic attacks have a 35% chance to life steal from an enemy. If it does, it heals the ally with the lowest percentage of HP for the basic attack amount plus X.


I don’t know much about My hero Academia. But is Midoriya the main character?


I edited it to include Bakugo. They are rivals. Midoriya is the main character.

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Alright, thxs then @Champion_David. :grin:

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