Wait this could be scary. Just thinking What could Discobot really do? We need a Concept for Discobot now humm
But another Jack?! The shops would look crazy!
Jack-Jack needs this item!
Jack Skellington needs this item!
Jack Jukebox needs this item!
Way too many Jacks!
Hummm? Well we will just have to take one of those Jacks off of here won’t we!
(20 characters)
What about Jack Sparrow??
Or maybe just call Jack Jukebox only Jukebox?
Just a thought
I like the name Jimmy Jukebox
7-Star Frontline Dantrolportank
“Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.”
Basic Attack: Discobot throws space unicorns at the enemy, which hit two enemies at a time
White: What I Can Do
Discobot changes the enemy team’s code, doing 50% hp damage and applying every negative status effect and disable to the entire enemy team. Enemies below level X have a chance to die instantly.
Green: Flag Post
Discobot flags an enemy for 6 seconds, which stuns them and reduces their star level by one for the rest of the wave. One star enemies instead die instantly. Discobot can use this skill 3 times per wave.
Blue: Promotion
Discobot promotes an ally to regular, increasing their attack speed by 200% and damage by 100% for the rest of the wave.
Purple: Forum Bot
Discobot is immune to all disables and debuffs. In addition, when Discobot defeats an enemy, another dies with it.
I currently know how to do the following things:
@discobot start new user
Starts one of the following interactive narratives: new user, advanced user.
@discobot roll 2d6
3, 6
@discobot quote
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you — Princess Diana
@discobot fortune
You may rely on it
Wait, I’ve never seen this. Time for another skillset!
Jimmy Jukebox? Maybe someone could make a poll!
- Jimmy jukebox
- jukebox
- jack jukebox
0 voters
How about a 3 star frontline damage
How do you make a poll
3 Star Support
Basic Attack: Discobot shoots speech bubbles
White: Start New User
Discobot summons a new user with X hp behind him. The user heals nearby allies with cool ideas and concepts. Discobot can have two users at once.
Green: Roll 2d6
Discobot rolls two dice, and a random ally gains energy equal to the number on the dice times 20. This has a reduced effect on allies above level X.
Blue: Disco Fortune
Discobot tells his weakest ally’s fortune, raising their armor and reality by X.
Purple: Bot Quote
The user from “Start New User” can also quote discobot, repeating one of his skills and shielding itself for X hp.
Discobot gains X skill power
“Bot Quote” has a 20% times S chance to shield another ally for the same amount
Discobot/Hiro Hamada
“Disco Fortune” shields for X hp
Discobot gains 8% times S improved healing
Much much much much much much much better
Friends with eve and Jimmy Jukebox??
God forbid a power surge increases Discobot’s abilities & or px power supply is increased much less some whale gained controll of Discobot and the Brick Wall not even Koolaid man could save us then!