Update 1.10.2 Patch Notes

I talked about chosen characters… :sweat_smile: It’s really boring for 14th server don’t have baymax, mad hatter or Hercules… :sweat_smile:

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Like what you did to Shank when guild war was first introduced to the game? Or like Bo Peep in the new splash screen?

@Polaris would you be able to say what the next event after update would be?

@NegaDuck360 this isn’t the discobot topic. Don’t spam.


Guys stop complaining about the “She” comment obviously Bo Peep is coming she’s on the title screen. This is a good update and I’m excited to try out the power badge crafting as I’m fortunate enough to be VIP 8. Also Kaboom looks like he’s gonna be a really good hero. Looks like he’d pair with Mickey Mouse nicely


You do not know what is going on do you? “She” is actually Kim Possible, not Bo Peep.


Why can’t we just say it’s both? They’re both confirmed.


@Polaris two questions on this new function -

  1. am i right to assume that the new function calculates stamina takes for farming bits on a normal stage?

  2. does the algorithm factors in lesser stamina taken to farm the bits when a x2 drop buff is in place?

@Filadae_Djaq That Disscution is over They both been confirmed Bo Beep on title screen and KP on website so no more disscusing this

I know that I was pointing that out to @Knight_Dopey_II

When does this come out

Monday, unless there’s delays.

Polaris said Tuesday.

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Oh, Whoops

Yeah it’s Monday’s

I agree 100%

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@polaris I just want to know when they will add Ron’s “weasle” from Kim Possible? I want to see him use those nice white Pearls to bite the opposing heroes.

No it is Tuesday

What weasel? You mean naked mole rat?

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Yes :(. The King of eating everything on site.

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