Update 1.10 Patch Notes

I did not know that… I though this would be a badge for leveling characters.

Hey is it possible that the invasion on s5 is harder then usual because of the raising level cap? Pity, because i am as an almost f2p player nearly to the top 100 and i think this will give me a trouble in compete with the instant level 120 players on the server!

Invasion enemies always take the highest rank available on the server (so on S5, that will be O6). I’m not sure whether it will apply for the current invasion or not, they will probably remain O5 until invasion restarts next week. Right now they should be O5, as they have been for the past 3 weeks

Amazing. I love goofy! Also excited for collections and will love to see this fantastic update! :joy:


I was playing and then boom I was disconnected due to the update

Im kicked out too

They put 2 messages in the game that I saw and also this. So they did give plenty of warning

Polaris, can you guys work on getting the update to the Amazon App Store sooner? It often takes some time, up to a couple hours, after an update before the update is available.

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Hope you guys saved some diamond crates
(If your on a newer server)

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I think that’s out of there hands, it’s up to the Amazon App Store to determine when the update is released on there

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Oh I have already updated

Apple store is up already updated. Hype Hype Hype

YAY! New update is here.
Edit: But i’m waiting…


Im waiting to update for Polaris to say so

Polaris is replying omg!

Ready now hehe

Servers are down, so update if you can!

We try to minimize players getting locked out of the game waiting for the server update. We release the update to Apple first, because they are the most unpredictable. We release Google, Amazon and Samsung once we see it in appear in the Apple store. Amazon makes us set the release 1 hour in the future, so we released it at 11AM, so it should be available at noon. We could release it earlier, but then if Apple takes a long time, Amazon players would update and then be locked out.


I’m hyped.

Makes sense, good decision

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