Update 1.10 Patch Notes

Oh i agree with him but you are not allowed to be negative on this thread even if you are on topic. Polaris seems to be allowing anything negative to be flagged and hidden. Now i dont wanna say conspiracy but if the cap fits…


So, how things going around with new hero?


Starting today after the update the first gift will be delivered to your mailboxes!

That’s in the roadmap, so new difficulties are coming in a future update!


Nice and thanks for the heads-up Polaris ^^. Looking forward to the update and to see what the free gift will be :-).

Also, good morning to you Polaris and hope you are doing well :-).


Wann kommt der Patch heute?
Freue mich schon sehr darauf :slight_smile:

Zu den gratis Diamanten in Deutschland klappt das mit den Umfragen kaum werden häufig abgebrochen vom System, weil man nicht reinpasst. Kommt bei bisher 10/10 Umfragen. Sehr schade

Bringt doch mal einen Server raus der komplett ohne Diamanten und VIP funktioniert. Damit es da wirklich nur um Taktik und Erfahrung geht ohne das beim Server Start sich 100 Leute auf die ersten Plätze erkaufen.

Mir ist noch ein Fehler aufgefallen, beim Ansturm steht in der deutschen Info das der Ansturm von 06:00 - 02:00 Uhr geht aber dabei geht er von 04:00 - 00:00 Uhr

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


I couldn’t find a “Hallelujah!” Gif that fits here (or something Disney related) but THANK YOU for finally fix this issue, unfortunately looks like we need to wait even longer.

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What time is the update @Polaris

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It usually ends up happening between 12–2 PM. CST

Excited for the new update. Hopefully our anniversary gifts are really cool.

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Welcome to the forums!


BTW, I was wondering if new badges from this site will be coming out for this update?image image image items-hurts_donut items-true_loves_kiss items-oh_snap items-flying_car item_incredible_avatar items-go_wildcats


The Incredibles one was a special icon from back when the game first started. There was a week-long contest to celebrate the Incredibles 2 releasing in theaters


I see the forum has the new “emblem/image” for this update already. Top left corner. Goofy, birthday cake 1, stitch

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Does this mean the update is close @Polaris


Teaser I bet

@Polaris, is there an exact time for the update? Because it’s 12am in my area right now. I can only wait for an hour. If there’s no update within an hour, then I’m going to sleep now. :neutral_face::sleepy::sleeping::sleeping:

Should be soon. The update is up in the Apple App Store (Don’t update yet or you will be locked out). Probably just waiting on the Android stores now.

Its at android.

The update is also in Android already. I’m just waiting for @Polaris to tell us to update now.

EDIT: The update last time happened at 14:00 CT (which is 3:00 AM here in Asia).

So update in 30 mins

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