Update 1.10 Patch Notes

@Polaris so where are the characters who are leaving shops going in the elite campaign?

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Estão perdendo cada vez mais jogadores , o jogo tá ficando ridículo com esses aumentos menos de 1 mês , por mim tbm não gasto 1 real , pensando sinceramente em parar , eles não ouvem ninguém e só pensam no bolso , chegar um momento ninguém nem vai saber que jogo é esse …


Polaris already gave us the list of leaving characters. It’s somewhere above, reply number 108 or 109 or something like that.


@Polaris you need a raise


Why? Please explain to us.


Os presentes de aniversário é aumento de nível, promoção, e Coleções pra iludir que ganhamos algo e continuar enchendo bolso deles de dinheiro, no momento que passou a ser entregue recompensas por base em nosa posição na Arena e Coliseu, tiraram ofertas “menos ruins” por diamantes e colocaram ofertas ridiculas todo dia pra “sugar” de alguma forma os diamantes, Aumentaram o vigor/diamante que precisamos para pontuar no torneio fortificar, arruinaram as recompensas e motivação para querermos jogar o modo invasão e ao mesmo tempo colocaram recompensas semanais novamente pra distrair todos do quanto são mercenários, mas quem está a um ano jogando conhece bem essa empresa e sabe perfeitamente QUE NÃO MERECE UM CENTAVO MAIS NOSSO, ENQUANTO NÃO APRENDER A DAR VALOR AO QUE FAZ O JOGO VIVER, OS JOGADORES!! BOA SORTE COM O JOGO DE VOCÊS,JOGUEM ENTRE VOCÊS QUANDO NÃO TIVER MAIS JOGADORES, PARABÉNS!! TERMINEM DE ARRUINAR O JOGO DE UMA VEZ, ASSIM TODOS PARAMOS DEFINIFIVAMENTE DE JOGAR E PERDER TEMPO COM EMPRESA QUE NÃO SABE/OU DA VALOR AOS SEUS USUARIOS!! :partying_face:


Don’t let the whiners get to you Perblue. You’re doing a great job and I hope you get the appreciation you deserve for it in the future.


I think I may actually know who this mystery hero you where going to add is now but I’m just guessing, I hope everything goes well with her development, I understand what you’re going through

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It would have probably just have bin a Minnie character

If that’s who ur thinking of

I can think of two likely female heroes… both of their names start with “M” :wink:


I was actually thinking of someone else but that could be true as well


Big update again.



Are we ever going to address these excessive character chips 1111 chips for moana what am I suppose to do with these useless chips?


Does this mean the next update will include her?

I wonder if it was Minnie since Goofy is coming. Or was it Jasmine since the real live action film’s release?


@Polaris While I really want to be excited for the level increase and patch ahead (my whole guild has been saving supplies for weeks) the event is severely dampend by the fact that the huge influence we are about to earn is all going to being wasted (as we are at max perks). I was sure that this patch you’d get around to it, really disappointed to not see any perks at all (great patch otherwise).
If this is affecting my guild, it’s affecting all the top mature guilds across servers 1-8+.

I really feel this topic justifies a response. Please put our minds at ease and let us know if anything is planned short term


This post is a doozy so get ready for some criticism.

PB, what’re you doing. For real. What are you doing? While I’m excited for Goofy that’s hardly enough compensation for the bull you’re trying to pull on your customer base.

We’ve very recently had a cap raise that came prematurely might I add, and a majority of players have either dropped out or are still struggling. Speaking for myself, I’m in the top guild of my server and I even have trouble keeping up. I’m at the end of my rope.

It might’ve been forgivable hadnt you changed the invasion rewards as the mod power doesn’t attribute to much. If you continue to blissfully ignore your player base you will kill your game and how is that good for business? I just don’t understand why you shoot yourself in the foot. I implore PB to take the effort to reach out and consider feedback and allow players to level up at a steadier pace without killing off necessary resources.


Dang people look at the bright side! We are all gonna get Goofy and collections. Is this too little to get?


Pretty excited 4 Goofy’s arrival. Great job PB. :+1:


@Polaris when is the update? I know it is at the end of May but when do you plan you release it?

Another increase already. You let server 1 have the invasion rewards for waaayyyy longer than everyone else. Im already losing people like crazy, quitting the game. This is making it near to impossible to stay a high competitive guild. My entire guild will not spend another dime, have fun with those “profits”. You guys are really trying to tank this game just like you did dragon soul, huh?

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