Update 1.10 Patch Notes

Polaris said the 29th

What about belle. Beast. Lumare. Cogsworth. And jafar? It should coming next Update in the feature.

Also it has been a couple cap increases where there hasn’t been a trial or port level increase as well. The badges being offered in top level trials aren’t useful anymore…




@Polaris any chance you can provide notes from the Goofy designer? He looks like a slightly modified Moana basically but I’m sure there’s more to it than that given how different most heroes tend to be. I’m curious how they want to see him used and if it’s worth investing.

Still not really good for an anniversary


Did I hear gifts for all? Woow. I’m excited. Hope this doesn’t dissapoints like the update @Polaris


This anniversery update is like Mickys 90 year anniversary Not only do we get a New charecter we get a new mode So there’s no reason to be Nagative


Don’t worry they probably will add 7star soon after Celebration they always listen to us whales from TOP guilds I have over 300 malificent chips and other heroes we getting 4 chips for 5star in weekly quest HUGE REEARDS and thats adds up pretty quick we need something to do with thousand of our chips so it’s time for 7 star 500chips burn evolve option.


Just LOL. Then you can go for buying perblue better​:joy::joy: and play alone

Ok I usually don’t post negative comments and I always try to find the bright side, but I was hoping for a “bigger” update. I mean I’m excited for collections and buffing up Stitch, but with all the hype for this update I’m a bit underwhelmed. I’ll just have to wait for the surprise gifts - I still have faith in PerBlue so I can’t wait to see them!




Let’s hope these goods will be better than HUGE weekly quest 5 purple bits for 175 quests completed not feel any good vibes from this CELEBRATION.


This update is so awesome. I can’t wait for collections. Sure I can go to server 2 but I do not want to start all over


@Polaris Me parece bien las actualizaciones y subidas de nivel, pero por favor no las hagan seguidos, ya que el subir mensualmente nivel y color puede llegar a ser aburrido, es aburrido con respeto a que a penas estamos armando buen equipo y con trabajo llegamos al nivel máximo y color llegue de pronto actualización de nivel y color, la mayoría de mis conocidos ya dejaron el juego por la misma razón, son muy prontas sus actualizaciones, déjenos más tiempo para subir niveles, y reforzar equipos, porque al ver que se hace actualización de nivel y color al mes puede ser muy fastidioso y hacer que uno dejé el juego, saludos


I know you probably used Google Translate or something, but I like to think you’re so committed to this job and being a good Community Manager that you learned all the languages in the world! 我对吗?


Am I right? (Translated)

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@Angelfer: I did not understand why my message was signaled, speaking the truth hurts, right … I did not say words of low slang and I did not offend anyone
@Polaris: Your feedback is welcome, but attacking PerBlue and making false claims is not acceptable.

I am only translating here. If this was translated wrong I am sorry I do not know any Portugese and I only used Google Translate, which is not the best translator


Again level increase, O6 introduction. So many people still not reached up to O5. And again Lvl increased. So many top players are make up their mind about quitting the game. Not a good update as per my view.
Hope you read guild chat and global chat also. So many unhappy. You increase the costs for adjust the economy which also not good.
From last update also received less gold from creep surge as I am above VIP 6. As per perk received 50% more gold from surge after update suddenly decrease. Is it economy adjustment?


Still mad, however I hope Goofy’s dances wouldn’t look like Maui’s dance, picking up his hook and shout “Maui”. :man_shrugging:

Hope SHE will come very soon, still feeling empty after getting just one hero, for which I need wait until 7th June to unlock.

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