Update 1.13.2 Patch Notes

@Polaris please clarify on the Invasion quick fights.
Do you have to buy all three previous tiers To have access to this new feature?


Technically, Randall doesn’t become invisible, he camouflages, like a chameleon

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idk if they will be free :thinking: I got the impression they wil just appear in the crate area on those days


A question about Hook’s white: does he damage nearby enemies when dueling like Pan, or he only deals damage when countering?

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No cap rise
No Megavolt
No new red skills which are in data from long time
“Mentioned” hero rotations

:confused: Signs of another update pretty soon.


I like to have some heroes refreshs pls like Ralph and Venellope. They are in the musium for so long !!!


@Polaris Also no lvl increase this time thats good. Lets keep it like that for the coming months.


More Villains are here now! Jolly Roger’s Captain Hook, And Monsters Inc’s enemy, Randy Randall Boggs are here!


You don’t get good change if ypu don’t point out bad things.


Well said…

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I’m confused about this as well. Once the merge happens, the merged servers will be on server 2 and then the merged server numbers will not exist. Does that mean deals targeted to these servers goes away to even things out, or does that mean they will roll over to everyone on server 2?
Why would deals be pushed out to the merged servers in November when the merge is happening Nov 20th?


Not quite. If I’m reading right, Hook counters when attacked in his invincible Dueling mode but he doesn’t continuously attack like Peter Pan. Unless I misread

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Looks good, can’t wait!

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Other Sign-In Heroes and shop rotations will be announced next week!

You can have both at the same time. So, if you already have a daily deal, you can buy the Mega Daily Deal to go along with it.

You still get the quick fights from guild perks. Paying 2 invasion stamina for quick fights kicks in after the guild perks run out. So, look at your guild right now and see where you run out of quick fights. You’ll still play just like that, but with the new update, instead of having to fight the next battle, you can pay 2 extra stamina to quick fight. If your guild upgrades to the next perk, you’ll get to use the benefit of that perk at the regular cost. The +2 Invasion Stamina is something that kicks in after your quick fight perks end.


Thank you!

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Ok… when this thing might come to other servers? This actually sounds good.

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Don’t want a cap raise

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@Polaris please reconsider recommended mods.

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Recommend mods has the best mods for each hero individually. This feature is for people who have a lot of mods, but don’t know what to do with them, and don’t want to take the time to min/max their heroes. This is entirely optional and something players can ignore if they are happy with their current mod arrangements.


@Polaris I’m sorry thats a poor excuse. The point is if its recommended it’s likely the best mods for that hero. So everyone will end up with same mods in most circumstances. That means that instead of customising your heroes with mods. The strongest will win because you have recommended the exact mods to them. I mean we were told there is no right or wrong mods. But that was clearly not true. I mean this game should be left as is. People should have to think about what mods they put on etc.

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