Update 1.14.2 Known Issues

So disappointed with the slider mix up. So many people lost all their skill resets and massive amounts of gold. These errors we’re not our fault, but all the players get screwed due to poor debugging before releasing a new feature.

Also, this morning I’m constantly being reconnected to the game. I’m home on wifi and have no connection issues with anything else except this game (s22).

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Here’s what I’ve got on the skill level upgrade slider.

  1. I have seen logs where skill point consumables are missing. I have the team looking into this.
  2. In all the logs I’ve reviewed, including people who’ve posted in this thread, there is no gold missing. I’ve compared the logs of gold spent on skills with skills upgrades and everything lines up correctly. Likely this is a display issue where the gold being replaced doesn’t show up right away, but it is credited back correctly.

I’ll update here when I have more information.


Yes tested this in 1 of my accounts, skill points item get losed everything else returns

Do you know how many skill point consumables are getting lost per upgrade? Because I’ve been leveling up my characters skills but I didn’t keep an eye on this so I don’t know if I lost anything?


I only have the issue that I tried to fully skill Scrooge mcduck and I had enough skillpointrefills to do it but now I have non left and my Scrooge is not even close to be fully skilled…

I hope I will get all my refills back!!!

ok polaris thanks for the update! is everything fix?

We’re working on a server update that will fix the skill point consumable issue. After that we’ll be able to return to players any items that were lost.


It’s worse than it was before… palms face :confused:

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Its is cant get past 40

My levels reset and I can not start the game at all!!!:rage:

Some servers were set back to level 1. We’re working to fix this - no progress on your account is lost!


Slider also still not fixed

It did set back the progress I made on Donald. 20000 in power back to 14000. But no refund in money

Ok thanks Polaris just thought that the game was over for a second!!:grin:
Edited: it has been fixed!!

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And we are back! And my donald is back to nornal too!


The server levels should be returned to normal now. Had a small settings issue that was an easy fix!


No tengo mis consumibles. Por FAVOR tenía 60 sólo me quedan 5 y no puedo subir a nadie . Lo mismo me pasa con las incursiones . Es sólo un problema mio?

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A bunch of my unlocked friend campaigns (that I was already working on btw) have disappeared and I get messages like this on them…

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Only 5 out of around 40 unlocked friends campaigns are working. This has been since the update. Is anyone else having this issue?

I USED 6 of the skill point resets and I wasted them! User (William King)

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