Update 1.16.10 Patch Notes

Surely it should be reducing armour by (according to example screenshot) around [490k] after 5 hits of spin. If the bot has less armour than that, then it will be reduced to 0. If it has more, it will simply be reduced by [490k].

Those amounts will presumably be increased by applying powerups to Bo Peep, and by the bot level.


If it didn’t work like that before, and it does now, then that seems fine.


And now she’s useless, which shouldn’t happen either.


She do armor reduction every spin for 10 seconds and can do that 5 times as per what written in her disk

Now her team do 0 damage if she spin or not

The only one who do damage is herself

Which means the 75% become useless too

Anyway i don’t care i was trying to help players … I’m not affected myself even if they nerf more and more toons

I really don’t think you were trying to help anyone.

I checked myself on regular opponents. Will check in a boss soon. It still does armor reduction against normal opponents. Sorry they fixed an exploit that allowed you to do more damage than you should be. But exploited need to be fixed.

Let’s move along.


By the disk description, allies should be doing the 75% extra damage if the armour is even reduced only by 1 point. So if they aren’t getting that bonus, then indeed it would seem wrong. I haven’t tried it out :thinking:

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It didn’t affect me dude … i already posted my last blue week score lol

I’ve used Bo with the Woody disk for last invasion, and she worked fine, reducing armor and making the boss take more damage.


Wow, surprised there’s not a post about a level increase included in this update too…

4 new heroes a month, level cap and rank raise every month. I would say PB wants to joke with us!

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And the rate is ~2.4 times faster than last year. We only got 5 new heroes in 2019 during the middle of March (2019)

@Polaris когда на 21 сервере вы откроете дружбу Гонзо и Дюка Бубумса?

Yay! It’s coming today!

@Polaris Is this and App update or server update? And is it 12:00-4:00CT like normal?

This is an app update, so we don’t have a set time yet. I’ll keep you updated!


We have released the update to the Apple store. Now we wait!


Now it all depends on how long Apple wants to play this waiting game ._.


The Update is online in AppStore

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It’s true, that was crazy fast.


So can we download it now or do we have to wait for a server update? I don’t wanna be locked out of the game!

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