Update 1.17.10 Patch Notes

Thanks for Refreshing WALL-E, he’s my favorite hero!


I wouldn’t call it a loophole, if someone has a full blown defence up it’s unlikely it would take less than 15s to defeat anyway - especially with Randall still the dominating hero. I’d hope that people would rather post a full defence and try to make people lose.

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That reminds me. Would there be a Tank role princess?

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I’m gonna presume that’s not supposed to be here, due to the fact The New Invasion Boss isn’t in game yet, but why isn’t Mama Bot listed?


Not yet

I could tell.

Why not? If Hades has a maxed out red skill he will… oh yeah. GMN (Ha) exist. I forgot.


That image of Homer was off-topic. So it makes sense that you were flagged


Mulan became a princess by her heroic deed


You have a still functioning VHS player?

That still doesn’t make her a princess.


Awesome, we don’t have enough Freeze heroes yet /s

If Genie can’t heal himself he might still be largely useless, though. I hope WallE’s ‘energy on disable’ disk ability doesn’t add to the Moon Drake effect we’re already starting to see with certain lineups.

CW - sounds good, it’s always been the meta that causes people trouble, not the CW itself.

Power adjustment - …huh? Don’t totally understand, it sounds like everyone’s heroes are going to be pretty much the same power as each other, instead of being based on stats. That will be… weird.

Cosmetics - good, they were clearly set far too low so it’s good that a big adjustment is being quickly made. I’d still prefer if dupes had a lower RNG weight…

Challenger - good, sick of seeing numpties with 1 hero filling up my league. Out of the 18 in my C1 this week - supposedly the best players on the server - 16 are using 1 hero. It’s ridiculous and glad that something is being done.

Badge crates - sounds good, I hope this doesn’t mean they will be either more scarce or more expensive.

Mod pieces in invasion - will these be the ‘other’ mod upgrades or more of the same? On a related note, I find it silly that we have the new pieces exclusive to Challenger, yet often the old pieces drop in Challenger in their place :neutral_face:

Bug fixes, etc - always good


Yeah. I’m pretty sure that some princess are official

Anywho, overall I feel the changes to City Watch matchmaking, and refreshes in this update are good next step forward to fixing the games biggest problems. Happy to see Mulan she deserved to be in the game since day 1, and I like seeing a way to show my Appreciation for the great enemy designs. Overall I have no complaints for this update.

A loophole implies something that will give unfair advantage, and I think it will still be worse than using a full defence

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Yeah I have a VHS player. What’s it to you?


I know I can’t blame them as onward is my favorite disney and pixar movie. Looks like onward characters come to this game soon

No. She would not work out as a weak hero, trust me


Oh yes I know that, what I meant was that she is one of Disney’s most iconic fighters. She just makes sense for Disney Heroes: Battle Mode.


All in all I am really looking forward to this patch. New heroes and bug fixes plus increasing cosmetic rewards are all really nice. I do have a few minor complaints.

First off with the refreshes for Genie and Wall-E. I can’t help but feel as if not including Red skills will hurt them more in the long run. This may just be my own personal opinion but I feel like a hero refresh that doesn’t include a Red skill is incomplete at this point. Personally I would rather have refreshes take longer if it meant they get a Red skill alongside the refresh to make them feel more complete.

Now of the opposite end of this coin, I can see why you would do it this way. Buff them now to see where they fall in line before adding a new skill that can completely break their kit, for better or for worse. I am curious as to why Wall-E is getting a refresh when he wasnt part of the poll that happened a couple weeks ago (to my recollection) and not Buzz who feels like a far weaker hero than Wall-E.

The last complaint I have is really tiny and probably not a big deal to anyone else but I wish Mulan was referred to as Fa Mulan. Just as Shang is addressed as Li Shang. Surnames are a big deal especially in eastern cultures that to have one and not both just exacerbates the inconsistency. It would be akin to calling Mickey Mouse as just Mickey. Everyone knows who you are talking about but to say half of the name feels improper.

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