Update 1.5.2 Patch Notes

Yea, I don’t think the 6 star idea is that great. Can we just sell the extra for coin or something instead?


Yes. They will be added directly to your inventory, so you will see them when you open the shop.


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Sadly as long as the whales spend the money I doubt they care. This is very much a purely p2w with the speed of these updates and the continued increase in level a difficulty to get badges. It’s impossible to keep up unless you complete competition ranks and spend money.


No new friendships on S1 @Polaris?

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@Polaris what about those who have already completed the starter book? Do we receive challenge tokens for the challenges we have already completed?

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I joined in a conversation in VIP chat about this and said i thought the 6* was a terrible idea - once - then found myself chat silenced for 5 minutes for spamming. Censorship? Now I’m scared to chat there again at all since it says future silences may be permanent…

Guess I’ll say it here… I think 6* is a terrible idea… we have been using excess chips for missions that would rather have been saved up had we known. Why not just have copied the DS soulmart, it works just fine


Speed of the updates seems fine. I spend very little money(3 bucks a month for the monthly and I bought a deal a while back), and I think he pace is great.

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6 stars is huge, because i had some sense of pride and accomplishment after 5starring a hero and now i will have none.

Like this update, but im disappointed not seeing Yax in guild crate.


I don’t mean to be rude to the people complaining about the stars but you know what a challenge is right? (and I don’t mean the feature in game) You don’t have to always spend money on the game to go further in the game, you work hard to do that stuff, they add a challenge to the game so players won’t easily be able to get to a top teir, that’s the point of games. Games are supposed to be challenge so why is everyone arguing how this game is dumb because they are giving you a challenge and more content so you won’t get bored?


It’s not about the challenge. If they had 6* from the beginning nobody would have complained. If they had made you save your chips and did not give you an outlet to soend them, nobody would complain. But they incentivized SPENDING THE CHIPS and then threw this garbage 6* update out of nowhere, and that’s what people are complaining about.


It’s not a challenge its just a way to sell more deals. I enjoy the game even with that aspect, as its something inherent with popular phone games. If someone can drop 100 and reach the max in a day it’s just a game of catch up.


@Polaris What time is the update dropping accordingly

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How many stars does Ursula have?

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I would assume 2
It’s just my guess

Please slow down the updates. We can’t keep up!


Update is available on Apple Store

Not for me

(Twenty characters)

Everyone seems to be hating the six star feature but I like it I guess :upside_down_face: I only have two five-stars and I only use the spare Violet chips for missions and don’t do anything with Jack-Jack’s.

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Well I can get my mike to 6 star now! :slight_smile:

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The update pace makes it impossible for anyone to catch up. Even if you pay monthly. I still don’t have any 5 star characters from the guild crate because it’s swapped out so quickly.

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