Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Update 1.8.2-A
Welcome to the Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 1.8.2-A Update! This release features a number of Invasion improvements and fixes for servers 1 and 3!
Invasion Update
We’ve received a lot of good feedback from players on servers 1 and 3. In general, feedback is positive: people enjoy playing the battles, working with their guilds and receiving the rewards.
We feel like Invasion is close to being ready for all servers, but we’d like to make one more adjustment pass with the following changes:
More progress reward tiers
- Server 1 now has tiers 21-27 and Server 3 has tiers 19-25
- We’re seeing a decent number of players max out their progress rewards; this will give top players more runway
- None of the existing tiers have been changed; we’ve simply added 6 more tiers (and rewards!) after the last tier
The Invasion shop now “evolves” each day of the Invasion
- On day 1, we’ll have a few less things on sale in the shop
- This is meant to decrease the amount of time needed to play Invasion on the first day
- We also made a change with 1.8.2 where the Invasion shop’s first refresh doesn’t occur until 24 hours after Invasion starts, which is aimed at the same goal
- From there, the shop will offer better and more deals on power-ups, breakers, and revives as the week goes on
- We hope this will allow players to 1) get further as Invasion gets harder, 2) catch up if they fall behind and 3) remove some of the pressure to do everything on the first day
- Free power-ups will increase with each shop refresh
- But prices for power-ups, breakers, and revives that can be bought for diamond are more expensive overall
More power-ups in the Supply Crates
- We’ve beefed up the power-up rewards in crates 2-6, and particularly in 4-6
The boss “participation” reward now drops a random consumable
- This is instead of always dropping a revive
- We wanted to reduce the number of revives available overall a bit here
Players will now start with only 40 stamina
- This is also meant to slow the day 1 rush
- It also means you aren’t penalized if you don’t log in right when the Invasion starts
These changes will be implemented with a server update on Monday morning, April 8, and will be active during the invasion that starts that day.