Update 1.8 Patch Notes

Ready and dying of excitement!

I even stayed homw from school for thus update :wink:


Imma go pull weeds till the update comes!!! :grin:


Hey, education is important. Make sure you stay caught up with your class :wink:


Education is for nerds (JK do your work lol)

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I do…just yesterday I spent the whole day literally sleeping! And today we were gonna dismiss early anyway so…

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@polaris…are we gonna have the catch up rewards too on the update?? im on server 10…im level 99 i only need 1k to reach 100 but im waiting if theres a catch up rewards today on the update

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There is no level cap increase with the update so no, sorry

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are you polaris?? how did you know

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Because it did not say so in the update memo.

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After each update which requires app update via app store/google play is catch up the challenge, don’t need to ask.
Same as ‘Back to…’ 7 day long deal.


No I’m not but they only do that with a cap increase, also pretty sure if you read previous comments, he’s already answered this :slight_smile:

ok got it…but im still hoping :joy::joy:

The only servers getting a cap increase right now are servers 1 (my server) and server 15.

Snyckerdoodle…they never announce the catch up rewards in the patch notes…fyi bruh

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I Can’t wait to get The Mad Hatter in this new update

plus last patch note server 1 didnt have level increase.but they have the catch up rewards on the last update…

the last update on server 1 they didnt have level increase but they still have catch up rewards…fyi cause i have account on server 1 too

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All the notes are excellent, but despite of having three new released heroes, server 14 is deprived of at least ONE. T.T

I have been at max lvl since before they started the catch up rewards so I guess I wasn’t the best person to give an answer

Catch up rewards are given live as Polaris stated. It’s up to the team to decide when and how much is given. That’s why it’s not announced.

The update is on iTunes, hurry up and do the server update so I can start playing! lol

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