Update 1.8 Patch Notes

I think this is an excellent update! Really looking forward to those QoL improvements! I’m somewhat disappointed that Scar is getting moved to the new campaign chapter mostly for the fact that (as of my typing this) I only have two more chip purchases in the arena shop before I get Scar a fifth star (my first fifth star, in fact). I could just use my remaining shop refreshes, but I only barely get enough Arena tokens to buy a single set of hero chips. Also, I’m nowhere close to being able to unlock that 16th chapter. I’m still stuck in chapter 11 of the normal campaign.

Whew… wasn’t expecting that to turn into a rant. Didn’t mean to get too pessimistic; I really do think this is a good update and I’m really hoping that those performance improvements will fix the crashing I’m still experiencing.

I don’t think they need people shouting around about how much they have tokens or gold or any item, they know it already

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@Polaris , Will be any other way to spend guild coins? I haven’t claimed mercs coins since November and next heroe in guild creates is already 6 stars


Yes yes start to complain, and they will change the guild coins mail expire date too -.-


Some things have been sped up but a favorite of the players is an improvement to badge but drop rates in older servers. Collecting 50/50 purple badges is days long work (at least four). Please up the drop rate or lower the cost of making these badges from 50 to even 40 would be appreciated.


Does mail not expire? I actually haven’t tried letting it sit for too long, afraid it would be gone after a bit.


I agree. Increase the drops of bits.


Been saving since December :slight_smile:

Yeah please @Polaris increase the drop rates of the bits. Thanks.


So, that’s a document I put together about a week or so ago detailing when the patch notes were announced. I even notated how long in between. This update actually follows right about on the expected schedule.


Olaf and jack jack were sign in too. So was Ralph at one point. I’ve noticed mostly tanks and support.

But the skill and xp cost increase decreased breathing room greatly… I was able to work on 3 or 4 toons and lvl up all toons to unlock friendship campaigns. This time I was only able to work on 2 toons and lvl up 80% of my toons to lvl 105 and the more heroes they introduce into the game (which I love and am not complaining at all about) the further behind I am going to get. I have not missed a single day of play since I started playing back in July and spend money so I wouldn’t expect to start falling behind

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Yes. We will be sending them out after the update is complete.


@Polaris any fresh news about when the update will occurre ? I know you get the question a lot here :smirk::innocent:

Don’t forget Tia. She was a control sign in.

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Well for example server 9 just finally filled challenger two weeks ago or so. So I can imagine server 10,11,etc may not have challenger filled yet and that’s my point. They can get 500 gems each day for free because they can’t get kicked out of challenger. Not my problem tho haha just bringing it up

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The update will be today. We’re preparing the app stores. Once we have a time set for the server update, I’ll post the details!


Thxs 4 the headsup @Polaris! Lets get ready everyone! :grin:

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Awesome I was hoping it was today. Thanks polaris

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My body is ready Sir or Ma’am!

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