Update 1.9.3 Patch Notes

Hope we get compensated


Yeah, these issues really interfered with the start of the contest immediately putting all players behind. And you have players that dropped 500 diamonds yesterday on stamina only to have the stamina removed overnight. Thank you for jumping on it so quickly though

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Thanks for tackling this so quickly!!

I understand that it takes time, I cannot wait for my precious Woody to be fabulous again, as usual! :grin::wink:


No lagg diff after the update today. Heist still doing crazy.


We got rewarded but poorly


No. The same lagginess and glitching. In fact, feels even worse. This is terrible.


Sorry To hear that. image


The Daily Video is not working! I’ve restarted my phone already and I still can’t use it!

I’m assuming you know that Shank has a passive that ignores the first few damage against her from each hit. Which means if you are using heroes who deal low damage but attack many times, Shank may not actually lose HP. But if you can prove that your hits are stronger than the max she can negate, then yeah, Shank is bugged out. I can’t find anyone else complaining though. Breaker 48 is high, I havent gotten there yet, so I dont know.

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Shank is really hard to beat. Also hercules and kevin flynn can be a problem…the higher you come the harder it is. Its weird sometimes you can clear 5 to 6 stages and sometimes you have to weak them before start the actual fight…i would love when it wouldnt be that random…

And by the way, the buzz bug is super annoying…but lags doesnt affect me so i am fine so far👍

What about the grammatical error that I found?

Where’s the error there?


Para derrotar a Shank te suguiero que utilices a Sally puesto que con el disco de la ría Dalma se irán acumulando veneno ya que falten 10 segudos de pelea activa la habilidad blanca y listo seguro que la derrotas

You need to download the update?

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Server 16 heist is acting crazy as well zooming in on everything. Will be in one spot in the heist then next thing I know I’m redoing that same part


@Pipsqueak,if you were wondering,issue is the sentence error is"Finnick I need your help"

While I can’t say for sure, but all the bugs/glitches Disney Heroes seem to be having these days might be due to technical debt. I recommend looking over the code in the game to see if anything isn’t 100% coded good or can be coded better. Hope it goes well :-).

Am I the only one who found a bug with Buzz? His stun often lasts forever once he triggers it, not only 7 seconds. That’s so annoying

Why sentence grammatically incorrect that is?

That bug is noted at the top of this very post and will be fixed in the update you are commenting on.

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