Update 2.0.02-A Patch Notes

Polaris the community manager, Ask Pb to do that not polaris :man_facepalming:

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What is up with her face?


I might be wrong, but I heard that designers sometimes draw characters with more “corners and straight lines” for them to look a bit more agressive. This is a fighting game, so makes sense. We can see this on some older characters, such as Rapunzel, Pooh and Kristoff.


“We need to do a better job closing the gap between casual and serious players/payers”
Well, they said this 3 months ago… Now the update even faster…


Your comment doesn’t even make sense

Btw…my arean still havnt fixed yet.

mulan out too early her cannon cannot hit anyone


@Polaris coliseo no funciona, llevo 4 días en el puesto 5 y el tiempo no transcurre.

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Um, they said they didn’t have any costumes planned

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I’m just pointing out how Disney is using the term, which, since this is a Disney game, would seem relevant. I’ve read that Elsa and Anna are going to be added to the Princess line later this year (even though Anna is a queen and Elsa, having abdicated in favor of Anna, probably shouldn’t be princess either); on the other hand, Vanellope almost certainly will never be added to it, as she’s far too tomboyish and rough-and-tumble to fit in with the rest of the line. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don’t mind that the gap hasn’t been closed yet, but I would like some indication that they’re at least working on the issue. (Though I don’t think the updates are any faster than they have been; it seems like we’ve been at 4 heroes a month and a cap raise every 4 weeks (except for occasional hiccups) for well over a year now.)


Here’s the post where Polaris mentioned PerBlue would be slowing down updates. Quoting the first paragraph:

When we first launched Disney Heroes: Battle Mode , we felt that, while the game was ready for worldwide play, it was still missing some key features. We knew that we wanted to add in Guild PvP (War), a real-time cooperative mode (Heist), something for less competitive players to do (Challenges), and some meaningful ways to progress heroes late in the game (from Orange onward). We’ve been working hard to get all of these updates out in a timely manner because we have older servers where players are getting capped out and/or running out of things to do. Some people have commented that we’ve been making a lot of updates lately… that is certainly true! But we do plan to slow things down a bit in the new year.

Reading that carefully, without any prior assumptions, makes it fairly clear that by “updates” Polaris was talking about adding new game modes. Coming into it with the assumption that “updates = cap raises”, as most players did and still do, I can understand how most players thought it was referring to cap raises slowing down, but that’s not the case.

I agree that it would be better for cap raises to slow down (or for it to not be so expensive to maintain our top 20 or so with each raise), but neither Polaris nor PerBlue ever promised they would slow down.


I play on Server 18 so I’m wondering why Server 19 is getting Li Shang (cuz I feel like we usually get similar updates) and we don’t.

Oh wait that’s 20

Yet again perblue do the ONE THING EVERYONE ASKED THEM NOT TO more cap and badge increases!!! Yet no sign of making city watch easier!!! Also no sign of making getting badges and skills cheaper. It definitely shows perblue only listen to the whales and don’t care one bit about the free to play players. What do you say to this @Polaris?


Please no tough talk to Polaris. I agree the cap raises need to slow down, but Polaris can only send the message to devs not do anything with it.

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Honestly I know some whales Who are getting tired of it too. I feel like every patch update that mentions cap increases is like a scratched up record on repeat, but since it’s scratched no one is listening and nothing can be done to repair it so just got to deal with it. Game is great don’t get me wrong, but be nice if they chill out a bit with the raises or at least balance out the Guild perks For how expensive things are. But o well it is what it is I guess.


Kinda disappointed with this update to be honest. I was expecting some kind of big anniversary update, but in the end all we got was another cap increase. I really wish Perblue would slow down with the cap increases. Nobody enjoys them, even the whales despise them.


We had anniversary update 2 weeks ago.


I reluctantly consider myself a “whale”. I’ve spent more on this game than I’d care to admit to. Nearly every level raise I say it’s too fast or too much. Yet, I still find myself playing and paying. The cost of the last update was ridiculous. However, there were numerous updates to make it worthwhile. New red skills. 2 new heroes, and better content.

This update is nothing more than a money grab.

I’ve said it before:

  1. I don’t have a problem with level increases, but slow down the promotions!

  2. At least let us “bank” badges that are used when we promote characters. (There is nothing more frustrating then spending 10-20,000 stamina on a badge that I just had to dump into the ether when I promoted this or another character. )

  3. Offer significantly more stamina with the “deals” or substantially reduce their cost.

  4. Offer the “anniversary week” benefits (increased stamina buys, double/triple ports and trials drops, increased gold buys, market discounts) right after an update rather than right before. Or better yet, make them the norm!

  5. Significantly reduce cost of ALL items in ALL shops. The costs are ridiculous! Especially since we don’t really earn shop tokens faster, and now so many heroes are “bought” with shop tokens making it necessary to save those tokens for new heroes instead of using them on badges.


O I agree, levels are like nothing compared to the badge costs for new color promotion caps. It is getting ridiculous. It would be nice if things were more balanced with the perks that try to offset it or be able to keep some of the badge bits when u upgrade a toon to a new color. It’s just sad to see people quitting with every update only because they are more burnt out from the constant rush and expenses of everything, even though they still enjoy the game and the company of players they met in the game.


Wow, you’re right. It really shows how big of letdown that update was if I already forgot about it. haha

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