Update 2.1.10 Patch Notes

Feel like people are having trouble being objective here, complain about them nerfing a character (definitely feels like they’re hiding behind the bug claim not that it really matters) and then proceed to talk about how they use him to do something that even sounds ridiculously OP for one hero to be able to do and totally would justify a nerf, that aside as someone else said it does feel like they should probably rework the invasion mode so it isn’t quite as vanilla, maybe a few different bots you can find, immunity to different disables, weekly invasion modifiers etc, something so that team variety is promoted instead of just max out the op single one to carry your whole team. Also hyped for pleakley and does anyone know when s21 is getting Shan yu?


And for starting mid day Monday and ending mid day Saturday, doesn’t necessarily help when people work Monday thru Friday and can only jump on Before/after work Hours or weekends. It sad that invasion has to be seen as a 24/7 job to do decent damage with or without this gizmo nerf (not all of us have max toons, and with breakers have red skills even if not all are toons are red or red skilled, sometimes breakers get difficult to get shields for bots). But that my two cents.


Queen of Hearts refresh is long overdue! Looking forward to getting her back in a line!


I’ll keep an eye on what people who’ve been using Gizmoduck say about the changes; there’s certainly room to keep him powerful without making it absolutely ridiculous. Hopefully he’ll be at a level where even people in guilds with minimal participation in invasion can max out their tiers without an undue time investment in the game.

This is what they are fixxing

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Another problem I see is the successive disastrous updates. first, it worsens in the outbreak that affects the hiring of mercenaries and the collection of gold. second disproportionate increase in the level of heroes in the invasion (R10 with red abilities. max). third, several nerfs on heroes and launching heroes always much stronger than the others. fourth, different promotions between players (for me promotion of 600 bottles of vigor for $ 29.90 and for another player 1900 bottles for the same price of $ 29.90) I can stay here enumerating several problems. In my opinion there shouldn’t be any heroes stronger than others (rank S +, S, A …) they should all be of the same level, fun and form teams with different combinations.


Is just me but does pleaky design for game seem off?? :thinking: he just seems like he isn’t pleakly at all

Yeah it does seem off, I was just about to mention that

I hope we can get some type of compensation becouse of the nerf.

We won’t get compensation for a nerf, why would we and why should we.

O KO instantâneo agora ignora os efeitos de status Invincibility e Berserk

Sorry, but for me invinciblity is invinciblity, if he dies being invincible he is not invincible, he changes his status

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Nothing was broken to be fixed. Thats a feature literally anyone in the game could use. All it takes is time. There was no advantage gained by a few, there were simply a few folks willing to devote ungodly amounts of time to Invasion in order to make it absurdly easy for the rest of their guilds.

Perblue just wants to get rid of the hero who makes their invasion supply deals obsolete.


My favorite characters from lilo and stitch.
Jumba. Lilo. Stitch. Nani. David. And a bad guy Gantu.


Guess I’ll try to complete invasion on Monday and go back to only doing the daily. No way the average player can get past the 40’s with this nerf. Rewards not nearly worth the large time wasted to try much more than that.


Finally Our Feedback Have some value.

WoW And WoW Jumbaa and Pleaky from Lilo And Stitch Woohoo

One of best patch notes ever Hehe

Whhaaaaaaaat??? Thats not a bug…A hero can be broken…That was an oppurtunity to do good in invasion…No Please…Dont do it.
Now After Reading this…Its not a Gd patch tbh.
Now No high guild bot ll reach…
and Its time Mr I and Bo will return invasion.

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Some words:

Stitch has some new players

Bye Randall.

Second time I guess with the same (kind of ability).

The QoH is OP now. The Beast aren’t her opponents anymore.(I use her often, so I get some “buffs”)

Luckily I don’t use him, but its still not good.

Well done, at least for lower level players.


I was maxing out tiers…But Now it seems i could only go tier 40…As it will be impossible…:(:sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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The fact that they now think is broken and are going to change it it’s not fair for player who haved wasted money. Thats why.

Glad to see Jumba and Pleakley join the game. Now all we need now is Lilo, Nani, David, Gantu, Hamsterviel and some of the experiments, and the whole Ohana is back together!

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Precise reminds me of Jurassic World Alive

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