Update 2.1.10 Patch Notes

Flag me if you want, I’m really done how PB steal our time, money and trust. I play this game only for my friends from guild


I am extremely happy with the new patch notes!!!

Also sorry if I am annoying you with all my happiness and celebration posts but I am just so happy about Jumba and Pleakley being added!!!

(Also one could say the nerf complaints is annoying so yeah)

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Lol, I’m pretty sure that a new hero with these skills will come in the next updates.

The game gets tough, but your updates are to blame.I haven’t experienced an update yet. Another new bug.

You should rather improve your programming skills, because the nerf will update you from update to update.

What is the problem of the insvasion exploding? I see neither disadvantage for you and for us.


Instead of trying to close every door to invasion , try to make it better , first you nerf the rewards , then you are kicking out every hero which was useful on that mode (and you called this nerfs as “fix”)
But you are killing a mode in game ! It’s also bad for you , just listen :
You have many deals for invasion and guild gifts.
If you continue to nerf invasion , then no one wants to buy those , and all of your effort on a feature would be wasted , I remember no one bought that invasion guild gift …

This fix would no help players and also it haven’t any help for you

Then keep nerfing it to turning it off for ever like heist which is no fun :frowning:


The only thing I’ll say is @polaris decided to post patch notes before state of the game which is already late…

Like I said in my last reply to patch notes though, I don’t mind new heroes but as I keep saying on majority of topics, the more heroes gets added to the game, the harder it will be. Perblue hasn’t addressed it yet.


It’s better to respect other’s opinions ,then want respect on your opinion , :unamused:

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Thanks for pointing it out. It seems nobody is realizing or what. Epic cw is even more terrible now than before for me. I am having so much trouble completing it and the wards combination is the worst everyday. The teams lvl would like raised from 50 to 200 just to match my lines. How is 200 team lvl a match for me. I have to try 10 different lines just from the start. I have to keep either tnp, joy or some other op Merc to carry through a hero to get his red skill. This reduces the no of chips I get per region. Their change to badges rarity did nothing. What’s the point if lines level is raised this high. Any line becomes op if lvl is high enough.


Boo for Gizmo change :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

At least invasion can be ignored like heist now.


Good job perblue on nerfing invasion toons :joy::joy::joy::joy:
Actually invasion not worth it with it’s bad rewards 100k mod power… who wants that lol
Keep sharing your toons players and let pb keep nerfing toons :joy::joy::joy:
Instead of enhancing toons they nerf them
That toon wasn’t good but in invasion now will be trashed as old toons


You can express your opinions but you have to be polite about it.

Who claimed it was a bug or a problem to be ‘fixed’ ?!!!


I did NOT see this coming!
If they added Stitch characters, I would’ve thought it would be Lilo


@polaris If you guys are gonna keep doing things like this after players have spent endless resources building a character up, then might I suggest adding a character reset function that allows us to get back all of the XP cans and gold and badges that we have dumped into heroes we no longer have any use for. We should also be able to deconstruct mods and disks in a similar way. Even if this “fix” doesn’t render Gizmoduck completely useless, we should have a way to back out of our resource investment in any character we no longer wish to use, and it would allow us to be able to test out new or old and forgotten characters in different lineups without worrying about wasting gold, experience, disk power, badges, etc on characters that end up being useless.


Gizmo stole some of my skill points when that skill point glitch existed awhile ago so I’m glad he’s getting nerfed JK don’t take this seriously

I dont necessarily agree with this for the game and I dont particularly think they should have a level clone system either.

Best course of action for this is simply update the xp pots, reexamine skill costs, etc

Hahaha a big whale speaking about how easy the game is. Is not easy, you just bought the easy path. Know the difference between actually working hard to get to tier 64 and buying your way up to the top.


Looks like he’s my favorite in the game. Track down invisible characters.

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With other heroes in the future that have “precise” Randall will possibly be garbage

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Maybe even Mulan since she can really dodge attacks.

Randall, scar, and violet, you stand no chance against jumba Jookiba

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