Update 2.1.10 Patch Notes

AHHhHhHHhHhHhH! AMAZING! Thanks For This!

Randall (Ga), Gaston and Hades will still block the way for quick fight points :woman_shrugging:

Hook will be the one to block because even though it shows him invincible you can’t get through it because I’ve used Colette and Tron to try and get rid of it and still nothing

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Okay. People, who can understand this?

I google translated it. It has bad words.

Use translate

It uses very bad words, they should know better. or as they would say

Based on the Google Translate translation, they are unhappy with the addition that dismisses previously good characters and that PerBlue don’t seem to listen to the community.

I think the translation might be a bit weird as I checked 非常 and it actually mean emergency, so might want to switch it so that it makes more sense.

Thank you. But I’ll never trust Google Translation… I wanted to use it for my Latin Homework and it was just stupid what it said…

It is against community guidelines.

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I am not a spammer.

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Google Translate/グーグル翻訳:

38 posts in the past 24 hours isn’t spam if the comments are relevant to the discussion

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No problem :-).

Google Translate is usually okey at translating single words, but long scenenes it can have problems with yeah. So only use Google Translate in terms of single words or to get an idea of what might be written.

@Polaris I can’t help but notice, nowhere in the text does it say Pleaky consumes stacks, is he going to infinitely stack and not consume stacks like pooh? A little unfair that only those heroes dont consume their stacks making their damage scale indefinitely while older stack heroes do, taking sally (cap of 5 stacka unkess you have a disk as well as consuming stacks), Anger (stack limit and consuming stacks) Joy(consuming stacks for disk and shields)? Stacks with no cap nor consumption are a bit out of hand

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Anyway, looking forward to getting Jumba and Pleakly :-).
If Queen of Hearts refresh help her enough I will probably focus on her.


Jumba is the one. I can’t wait to unlock him. When the update comes. Since i got the challengers


He’d be in a separate category: villain-turned-hero. Barbossa, maybe Zurg, possibly Beast, and a few others would be here.

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Welcome to the forums!

i undrstand you are angry about his nerf. But it isfor a good reason. no player should be able to one hit kill a mama bot. This nerf will not heavily effect Gizmo outside of this mode. and also please watch your words on the forums

nerfs and buffs can happen at any time. so please understand that it will happen again.

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