Update 2.1.10 Patch Notes

Maybe not enough people were buying the invasion guild gift deals.

PSA: not enough people are buying any of the guild gift deals, because they suck! Not because of Gizmoduck :stuck_out_tongue:


I never used Gizmo so the nerf doesn’t affect me at all. I’m not upset.

I am just super duper HAPPY!!!


Yeah those invasion guild gift suck.


I don’t use him either, we are the only ones saved, woo hoo

Before Gizmoduck I was spending 2-3h a day in invasion and not reaching even tier 51. We’ve got 64 tiers now. What’s a reasonable amount of time - 4-5 hours a day, for a handful of mod upgrade pieces?


True. This maked invasion less enjoyable

Just like arena and coli seasons.
If you dont put the work in you shouldnt reach max tiers. Period
There are teams in every color that will easily allow you to reach max tiers it shoulsnt be one hero to do it all


Arena and coli I spend maybe 15-30 minutes a day, tops, to get as far as I can. Invasion, as @Pipsqueak pointed out, takes hours per day to reach the top tiers.

I’d like those higher mod upgrades, but not enough to invest that much time.


My ***, even with Gizmo at his peak it took much, much longer than that. No gamemode should take the amount of time that Invasion does.


Agree with you temp on your views for invasion, but I’m getting frustrated investing in something for no reason. Change the bots. Give them an ability that their armor can’t be emptied or something. As a player who doesn’t invest in all the toons it is frustrating to have one that is changed now and not worth much.


So since the patch isnt till Tuesday I’m ganna screenshot me with 0 score and then screenshot me reaching max tiers and I garentee itll be around the 35-40 min mark like it is every week

It’s dependent on guild activity and how many people are running a single guild bot up. Likewise it’s taken me all week to run up my guild bot enough to reach tier 64, using Gizmo, but at least it’s not been arduous.

Guilds with a large number of people working on the bot can amass points very quickly.

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How long without Gizmoduck, though?

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More horrible management by PB, change the game mid invasion :unamused:


Since I know the lineups about 3-4 hours

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I can’t wait to get Jumba and Pleakley!

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Yes this is only hitting my bot and no others


Exactly this, the new Lightning Rob bot has been in development for ages… How hard would it have been to give him different mechanics that don’t include having billions of stealable armour


Maybe, but should only players in top guilds on the server be allowed to make progress during Invasion? Mine is top ~50 and I can’t even clear all the tiers.


They shouldn’t, and exactly - without Gizmo reaching max tier in those less active guilds will be a second job

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