Update 2.1.10 Patch Notes

I think this might be the best patch notes ever.

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I love your sarcasm… is it sarcasm?

YES! I NEED Merida to have this ability!

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What server are you on ?

Some people aren’t sarcastic sometimes

Yeah I know.

In City Watch we’re removing the name and team level of the opponent. It will now display the team power of the lineup. So we no longer see how they break the game to make City Watch miserable?

Please make note of the fact that the Vanellope is only level like 153 yet the Elastigirl has her Vanellope disk as if Van were level 185. This is what the issue is, covering it up will not fix it. It literally just covers up how much the game is broken against players deliberately


@Polaris is there a cap on this?

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What discord do you use? DM me

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We are in the same guild and I post some of my arena hits on there to help my guild mates reach high divisions

Considering I won server 1’s arena and coli last season


So Gizmoduck was a problem but Mulan is NOT? This is ridiculous.
So except this jokes you keep playing on players, i am happy and excited for the new characters and for the hero refresh. Its just annoying that you are so money hungry and keep making overpowerd characters to lure us…im pretty sure the game earns a lot of money even without those “tricks” that just angers most players. But whatever.


Mulanis by far worst than Randal pre megica and the fact they havent done anything about her is kinda upsetting

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No actually. I think that addressing all of those long overdue hero issues is a step in the right direction. Adding more gold is also potentially very good, you know if it isn’t measly. Eeyore will be easier to upgrade, and Tron is starting to get easier too. The “Precise” status effect will help eliminate Randall from dominating the meta. I also love Lilo & Stitch and Jumba is a great character.
This is just a great update all around.


Im on S9…

Cheer counter for 2.1.10

Two unexpected (slightly inspired) new Characters to join Stitch! (+2)
Do you guys even care about Kim? like at all? (-10)
When is S21 getting Shan yu? (-1)

QoH rework (+5)
You made her a fast and unslowable tank. (+2)

Improvements (+10)

You nerfed gizmo… you disappoint me in so many ways but this takes the cake. It’s off the chart. You let heroes like, (wait, better not give any ideas.) Nvm but still you’ve crossed the line PB. (-15)

Other fixes (+8)

No cap increase (+1)

Pleakley is in D crates! (Still not redeeming yourself for gizmo) (+3)
Hook and Tron will be mine! (+2)
Is Mushu becoming more obtainable soon? (-3)

Siderant: Why do you like killing your game? You mess up the game in many ways. OP heroes, Stupid deals, ingoring our feedback and pushing P2P people more and more ahead. But now you have made invasion terrible and impossible. I thought this was a good game before. It was now it isn’t. Like seriously you let Baloo grant allies endless hardy, Maleficent take away all your tenacity and Beast be invincible. But this was uncalled for, unnecessary and unfortunate for us players. And you think this is good? No it is very bad! I bet you are losing players weekly especially with this update. So if I were you I’d make the next major a good redemption or I might lose respect in you and PB.

Now on to the score: +5



I asked that because of Gizmonerf

You did read the part about gizmo becoming useless right?

Making the playing feild level won’t alway feel right, but Not having cap has resulted in some terrible lineups. I’m very happy Gizmoduck is getting nerfed.


Gizmo never affected PVP… he helped ease pressure in invasion

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