Update 2.1 Patch Notes

I am afraid that is a more powerful beast…

Yeah!.. but I don’t know how it works

it’s not a good idea. This process will become messy


How much periodically does Arena and Coliseum crates show up? I’ve missed the first times on this month and couldn’t get Merlin or Madam Min.

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Have been waiting for her red skill for a long, long time…too long…

New animation, or what?


Probably not, Dash probably loses his attack speed and movement speed buff returning back to normal attack and movement speed, I think…

Great Update! I love it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck:

Not hardly. The chest itself is not invincible, so as long as you have some AoE attacks, you should be fine. His red skill could be annoying, though.



I LOVE THE JUNGLE BOOK :smile::smile::smile:


In september completed a year that the red skills were launched, it will take almost a year to make all the red skills, and within that time characters without it had practically no chance against those who have it, very fair, the important thing is to launch several characters per month, who cares about the old ones right, and now we wait who knows how many weeks(or even months) until more come to the game, so characters like Wall-E, Robin, Genie still bad even with refreshes because they still don’t have the most important thing, their red skill, i don’t know what to say anymore, there is no more excuses for a one year delay, yeah it need to be tested and everything, but the team could work more on them instead of just new characters all the time, just an idea.


Why is it that most of the people in July are characters from Pirates if the Caribbean?

There are 3 major issues with this game now. The badge costs yes they scale. However this is pure greed some badges will be 60k plus and lots of stamina for 1 hero. And with 108 heroes it’s insane. The other 2 problems are very obvious and not being fixed or even looked at despite assurances they would do. The 1st is the disk power or lack of. Now they want to rescale again from 181 but offer not enough in the way of disk power. I’ve gone nearly 2 weeks no disk power deals. The other problem is invasion the mod power there is to low they want to increase to plus 11 but costs alot of mod power to do so. So the problem here is what is a good patch has the same old negatives that per blue promise fixes to but never happens. @Polaris why dont you stick to your promises? Will this be addressed any time soon?


Genie yes, but WALL-E is decent in the right comps and Robin is a killer in Invasion.

Also, for those of you asking Polaris questions, keep in mind that they (likely) won’t be back until Monday.

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“Decent” is not enough these days, Wall-E is good with Mulan so she uses her white skill faster then the enemy Mulan which is good, but that’s it for him, Robin is my second favorite character in the game i have him at R9 and without his crit damage from his purple skill he is doing less damage then before the refresh which doesn’t make any sense, a refresh is to make the character better not worse, yes stealing 1000 energy is good, but that’s it for him as well, dealing less damage then before the refresh, about invasion after robot 300+ he start to fall really quickly, and with Gizmoduck breaking invasion who need’s Robin, so yeah these three still bad, and they need a red skill fast, which we all know it won’t happen “fast”.


I would like that

Highlights of the patch notes.

In summary 8.7/10. Fantastic update only 2 real problems: This is about 5 days early for the cap increase, (-5) and it appears Pixar Month isn’t being celebrated, (-3) additionally even though we were told it wouldn’t be “Kimtastic” additional penalty for lack of Kim Possible (-1). But a Fantastic new status effect (+0.2), and 3 new heroes! (+3), as well as new red skills (+1.5), and rotation of Powerline (+2), and more great things (+1), makes up for it!

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@Polaris this is proof that people will keep judging the updates badly until Kim is released

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Will Elsa be in the collection Disney Princesses?


Still no red skills

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mostly up to date.

This would be really awesome, so many characters i don’t use anymore with lv 100~130 in their disks, hope they hear your suggestion.

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