Update 2.1 Patch Notes

Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Update 2.1

Welcome to the Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 2.1 Update! Featured in this release are Davy Jones from Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean! In addition, King Louie and Baloo from Disney’s The Jungle Book join the battle.


  • New! Davy Jones from Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean!
  • New! King Louie and Baloo from Disney’s The Jungle Book!
  • Bug fixes, game improvements, and the July Shop Refresh!

Davy Jones

Davy Jones is a front-line ”Control” character. Davy Jones will be the July Sign-In Hero on Servers 1-22.


Wake the Kraken
Davy Jones calls the Kraken to battle, causing the Kraken to slam enemies with its giant tentacle, dealing damage, and bonus damage to cursed enemies.

Claw Counter
Davy Jones blocks a melee attack with his claw, then counters, dealing damage and stunning the enemy. Davy Jones can only block an attack every few seconds.

Dead Man’s Chest
When Davy Jones reaches a specific HP, the Dead Man’s Chest is uncovered on the battlefield. Until the chest is destroyed, Davy Jones cannot fall below 1 HP. The Dead Man’s Chest has Max HP. Cursed enemies deal less damage to the Dead Man’s Chest.

Black Spot
The player chooses an enemy for Davy Jones to mark with a black spot at the start of each wave. The selected enemy is cursed until they are KO’d, then the curse jumps to the closest target. While the battle is on auto, Davy Jones chooses the back-most enemy to receive the black spot at the start of each wave.

A Debt to Pay
When the Dead Man’s Chest has been visible for a specific time, it disappears until “Dead Man’s Chest” is triggered again. When the chest disappears Davy Jones heals, becomes invincible, and removes energy from the enemy team.


  • Davy Jones and Oogie Boogie

King Louie

King Louie is a mid-line “Damage” hero. King Louie will only be available in Diamond Crates on Servers 1-22.


Banana Barrage
King Louie pulls out a big bunch of bananas and smashes them, causing bananas to fly everywhere and dealing damage to the frontmost enemy and additional damage to all other enemies. If enemies are slowed, the bananas deal bonus damage.

Powerful Pound
King Louie pounds the ground in front of him, sending out a shockwave that deals damage to the closest enemy, slows their attack and movement speed, and knocks them back.

Monkeyin’ Around
King Louie calls in a chain of monkeys to assist him, grabbing the frontmost enemy and moving them to the back of the enemy line while sapping them.

Peel Off
After each basic attack, King Louie throws a banana peel on the ground. Banana peels deal damage to enemies that step on them and cause them to slip, slowing their attack and movement speeds. A maximum number of bananas can exist on the battlefield at one time.

Jungle V.I.P.
King Louie’s attack speed is increased each time an enemy is knocked back. This attack speed boost can stack up to a limit of times. King Louie now smacks the ground additional times when using “Powerful Pound”.


  • King Louie and Animal
  • King Louie and Peter Pan


Baloo is a front-line ”Tank” hero. Baloo will be exclusive in a Coliseum Event Crate on Servers 1-22.


Swinging Party
Baloo puts on his disguise and dances, healing himself over the duration and charming enemies who damage him. Baloo can charm an enemy once every few seconds.

Bare Necessities
Once per wave, when Baloo reaches a percent of his max HP, he goes to sleep which causes him to gain stacks of hardy, heal over time, and gain armor and reality. When Baloo reaches full HP, he wakes up and gains energy.

Jungle Harmony
Baloo does a little jig, giving himself and allies armor and reality.

Get With The Beat
While Baloo is dancing during “Swinging Party”, allies heal over time.

Prickly Pear
If an enemy deals damage over a percent of Baloo’s max HP while he’s dancing during “Swinging Party”, they are charmed. Baloo does not have a limit on how many enemies he can charm with this skill. Baloo applies stacks of hardy to allies while he is sleeping during “Bare Necessities.”


  • Baloo and King Louie
  • Baloo and Simba & Nala

New Red Skills


The Dash
“Rapid Guard” blocks more damage and converts a percent of the damage blocked into basic damage for Dash. At the beginning of each wave, Dash’s attack and movement speed are increased. Dash is then tired out, reducing his attack and movement speed.


Basic damage buffs on Jessie give more basic damage and last longer. The cooldown of “Sonic Yodel” is reduced each time Jessie or an ally successfully dodges an attack.


Scream Quota
For every few enemies that are scared by Sulley or his allies, Sulley gains stacks of hardy. If Sulley heals over his or an ally’s max HP with Healing Laughter, that extra HP healed is converted to a shield.


A Trifle Toll
Whenever a Hexed enemy receives a buff, the duration of the Hex is increased. Whenever an enemy loses energy other than by using their white skill, Ursula gains skill power for the rest of the wave. Ursula retains a percent of the skill power from this buff in the next wave.


Disc Damage
When Quorra uses “Disc Ricochet”, her light disk now bounces to hit all remaining enemies. In addition to dealing damage, all enemies hit are sapped with the furthest enemy sapped for a longer duration. All of Quorra’s attacks now gain Normal Crit and Fantastic Crit against sapped enemies.

Hector Barbossa

Unquenchable Appetite
“Apple of me Eye” also grants Hector Barbossa stacks of hardy. Damage over time effects from Hector Barbossa or allies deal more damage against studied enemies.

Mike Wazowski

Let It Roll
The first time Mike reaches 1 HP during a wave, he activates “On A Roll” and rolls through enemies. Enemies that are scared while already scared take a percent of their max HP as bonus fantastic damage.


Cast My Spell
Enemies damaged by Maleficent’s basic attacks have their tenacity reduced. “Forest of Thorns” now also targets all cursed enemies.


Cy-Bug Attack
“Cybugeddon” also applies stacks of “Fatigue” to targeted enemies. Fatigue blocks 1 buff from being applied and then is removed. Calhoun’s attacks deal bonus damage to enemies equal to a percent of the enemy’s armor.


Egging On
Whenever Gaston damages a stunned enemy with his basic attack, he gains energy. Gaston’s attack speed is increased when he is revived by “Five Dozen Eggs.”

Other Improvements

  • Improvements to Endless Creep Surge
    • The map regions have changed and will now look different!
      • Stronger regions now have fewer districts, and weaker regions have more districts.
      • District numbers have shifted around to better match the new regions. (The difficulty of a number is the same as before though.)
      • Waves now only take 3 regions to clear instead of 4.
      • Rewards per region clear increased to 14 surge tokens + 1350 guild influence (previous: 10 tokens + 1000 influence)
      • Note that these region changes only apply to the map in Endless Surge, not other modes. (For now.)
      • Ultimately, how does this affect gameplay?
        • Per wave cleared, rewards are better than before.
        • Completing districts 10-27 on the new map still results in a wave clear. (Just 3 regions cleared instead of 4 with the old map.)
        • Completing harder regions is now more worthwhile, since those regions need fewer districts to clear them. This change should make wave clears easier overall.
    • There’s now a thank you message when you contribute your heroes to the HQ
    • Contributing heroes to the HQ will complete the Surge Daily Quest
    • Updated the Vault and Bank images
  • New Collection: Disney Princesses!
  • When you use the stage buttons under “collect here” for badges, the badge you were trying to earn now displays a progress bar above it.

  • Added game tips to the loading screen

  • Hero animations now play automatically upon viewing the hero screen and events window.
    • The skill screen now shows the hero doing the associated move for that skill! (Note that passive skills will display a hero’s victory animation.)

  • Gold rewards from Guild War and Guild Check In now scale with the current server cap.
  • Disk Power rewards from City Watch and Daily Quest Rewards now scale with the current server cap.
    • Starting with level 181 Disk Power costs will begin to scale again.
    • Please note that costs prior to 181 will not be changing.
  • Invasion progress rewards and Mods for servers at Red +8 or higher will be able to upgrade Mods to Tier +11.
  • When a player demotes in Arena and Coliseum due to inactivity, they can only be demoted 1 league. They are also removed from active leagues. This will ensure that leagues are full of active and engaged players. If a player who was inactive opens Arena or Coliseum, they will be moved into an active league.
  • Tokens spent and/or refunded from Guild War Sabotage will no longer earn points for contest tasks that are to earn or spend resources.
  • Replacing the badge The Martians with Sunken Ship.The is just a visual change and the badge will still function the same.
  • Changed the color of Tron’s memory disk Uprezzed to be orange
  • Changed the icon abbreviation on memory disks for Miss Piggy from “MI” to “MP” to differentiate it from Mickey Mouse.
  • Added the ability to sort heroes by name
  • Added Donald Duck to the healer collection
  • Android version 4.4 is now the minimum requirement Operating System for the Google Play store.

Bug Fixes

  • Hero Fixes
    • Fixed an issue where Linguini & Remy’s heal would stack multiple times,causing allies to heal multiple times when losing a stack of hardy.
    • Fixed an issue where Peter Pan could steal Mulan’s attack speed increase permanently. It now ends correctly when Mulan’s shield ends.
    • Fixed an issue where the debuff cleanse on Hank & Dory’s skill A Bit Forgetful could be delayed by being frozen.
    • Fixed an issue with Mulan’s Cannon Attack where it could sometimes not hit opponents. Please note that this is a partial fix. There are still occasions when it will just deal the stun, instead of the stun + damage to her intended target.
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing Jafar’s Whirling Dervish from triggering at the start of each wave. Note this can be interrupted by an attack or activating his Snake Charmer skill at the very start of the wave.
    • Fixed an issue with Mickey’s Hot Diggity Dog skill where it could heal the opponent team if an enemy was charmed.
    • Corrected Goliath’s purple and red skill names
    • Added the +Max HP to Goliath’s red skill Stat Boosts
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing players from changing their Arena and Coliseum defense if they were on a fight cooldown.
  • Mecharaptor NPCs will now be removed from the screen when they are KO’d
  • Fixed an issue where Coop Contest rewards messages could reappear in a player’s mailbox.
  • Fixed an issue where choosing the “My Guild” view on either Legacy ranking screen results in an empty board
  • Fixed an issue where joining a guild while Surge is in progress gives “No Heroes” error.

New Hero Locations and Content Adjustments

Heroes moving out of Crates and Shops will appear in the Elite Campaign unless otherwise noted. Heroes will not appear in Shops until they refresh. Please note, the July Sign-In Hero and Shop Refresh is below :arrow_down: .

Servers 1-12 Update

  • Team Level Cap increased from 180 to 185
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Red +10 rank
  • Chapter 31: “Never, Never” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Powerline, Minnie Mouse, and Li Shang

New Heroes:

  • Baloo will be an event-exclusive hero in Coliseum Crates
  • King Louie will only be available in Diamond Crates

Server 13 Update

  • Team Level Cap increased from 175 to 180
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Red +9 rank
  • Chapter 30: “Reflections” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Powerline, Minnie Mouse and Li Shang

New Heroes:

  • Baloo will be an event-exclusive hero in Coliseum Crates
  • King Louie will only be available in Diamond Crates

Servers 14-15 Update

  • Team Level Cap increased from 160 to 165
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Red +6 rank
  • Chapter 27: “Snow Yourself” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Powerline, Minnie Mouse and Li Shang

New Heroes:

  • Baloo will be an event-exclusive hero in Coliseum Crates
  • King Louie will only be available in Diamond Crates

Servers 16-17 Update

  • Team Level Cap increased from 155 to 160
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Red +5 rank
  • Chapter 26: “Theater Crowd” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Powerline, Minnie Mouse and Li Shang

New Heroes:

  • Baloo will be an event-exclusive hero in Coliseum Crates
  • King Louie will only be available in Diamond Crates

Server 18 Update

  • Team Level Cap increased from 145 to 150
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Red +3 rank
  • Chapter 24: “Agrabah Days” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Gizmoduck, Minnie Mouse and Li Shang

New Heroes:

  • Baloo will be an event-exclusive hero in Coliseum Crates
  • King Louie will only be available in Diamond Crates

Server 19 Update

  • Team Level Cap increased from 130 to 135
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Red +0 rank
  • Chapter 21: “Bonnie’s Room” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Colette, Winnie the Pooh, Li Shang, Gizmoduck and Minnie Mouse
  • Guild Level 5

New Heroes:

  • Baloo will be an event-exclusive hero in Coliseum Crates
  • King Louie will only be available in Diamond Crates

Server 20 Update

  • Team Level Cap increased from 150 to 160
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Red +5 rank
  • Chapter 26: “Theater Crowd” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Yzma, Mad Madam Mim, Megavolt, Captain Hook, Donald Duck, Oogie Boogie, Gizmoduck, Minnie Mouse and Colette

New Heroes:

  • Baloo will be an event-exclusive hero in Coliseum Crates
  • King Louie will only be available in Diamond Crates

Server 21-22

  • Team Level Cap increased from 125 to 130
  • Heroes can now be promoted to Orange +8 rank
  • Chapter 20: “Midway Madness” is now available
    • Elite Campaign features: Eeyore, Mad Madam Mim, Animal and Minnie Mouse

New Heroes:

  • Baloo will be an event-exclusive hero in Coliseum Crates
  • King Louie will only be available in Diamond Crates
  • Goliath will only be available in Diamond Crates

July Sign-In Hero & Shop Refresh

Heroes will appear in Shops after they refresh on June 30. Heroes will appear in Crates after the daily reset at 5AM on July 1.

Servers 1-15 Update

New Hero: Davy Jones will be the July Sign-In Hero

Existing Heroes

  • Belle will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Mulan will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Linguini & Remy will replace Dr Facilier in the City Watch Shop
  • Powerline will replace Magica de Spell in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Syndrome will replace Mad Madam Mim in the Arena Shop
  • Minnie Mouse will replace Jafar in the Coliseum Shop
  • Gizmoduck will replace Huey, Dewey & Louie in the Heist Shop
  • LI Shang will replace Colette in the Guild War Shop

Servers 16-17 Update

New Hero: Davy Jones will be the July Sign-In Hero

Existing Heroes

  • Belle will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Mulan will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Linguini & Remy will replace Dr Facilier in the City Watch Shop
  • Powerline will replace Magica de Spell in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Syndrome will replace Mad Madam Mim in the Arena Shop
  • Minnie Mouse will replace Jafar in the Coliseum Shop
  • Randall Boggs will replace Huey, Dewey & Louie in the Heist Shop
  • LI Shang will replace Colette in the Guild War Shop

Server 18 Update

New Hero: Davy Jones will be the July Sign-In Hero

Existing Heroes

  • Belle will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Mulan will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Hank & Dory will replace Dr Facilier in the City Watch Shop
  • Jafar will replace Magica de Spell in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Winnie the Pooh will replace Mad Madam Mim in the Arena Shop
  • Minnie Mouse will replace Flynn Rider in the Coliseum Shop
  • Gizmoduck will replace Simba & Nala in the Heist Shop
  • Li Shang will replace Colette in the Guild War Shop

Servers 19-20 Update

New Hero: Davy Jones will be the July Sign-In Hero

Existing Heroes

  • Belle will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Mulan will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Hank & Dory will replace Dr Facilier in the City Watch Shop
  • Jafar will replace Magica de Spell in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Winnie the Pooh will replace Timon & Pumbaa in the Arena Shop
  • Minnie Mouse will replace Flynn Rider in the Coliseum Shop
  • Gizmoduck will replace Simba & Nala in the Heist Shop
  • Li Shang will replace Peter Pan in the Guild War Shop

Server 21-22

New Hero: Davy Jones will be the July Sign-In Hero

Existing Heroes

  • Belle will be available in the VIP Crate
  • Mulan will be available in the Guild Crate
  • Hank & Dory will replace Dr. Facilier in the City Watch Shop
  • Merlin will replace Oogie Boogie in the Creep Surge Shop
  • Randall Boggs will replace Timon & Pumbaa in the Arena Shop
  • Minnie Mouse will replace Jafar in the Coliseum Shop
  • Winnie the Pooh will replace Simba & Nala in the Heist Shop
  • Li Shang will replace Peter Pan in the Guild War Shop

This will be a full update that is currently scheduled for Tuesday, June 23.


It’s out woo hoo
King Louie, baloo, and jones


We’ll have a swinging party with this update!


Woohoo! Jungle book characters!
It’s not kimtatsic, but it sure is fantastic!


Aw louie isn’t the sign in :cry:


You know what’s odd, the live action jungle book just came out on Disney plus today and here are jungle book heroes, strange


Yeah update! But one question. What happened to Pixar month?


They threw it out the window


Cries on the ground*


Look out! Cause Davy Jones is coming! And look for the Bare Necessities for Baloo and King Louie!



The tips section might be my favorite part of the patch. It is the small things really!

No matter what other people will say it is a decent update!

Thanks polaris.


Oh yeah, this is gonna be good, now we need the villains


I love it!

Especially this part:


That’s be great if Shan Yu didn’t exist.

Now there’s a red skill!

I’m not saying that this isn’t enough, but I also said that at van’s red skill last time so I don’t know.

Edit: I just realized I misread mike’s red and now I think it will be insane next to Jack Skellington(MH disk).


Maleficent’s red skill seems like it could potentially be broken tbh


Very disappointed… like some things, but they’re minor.
None of the characters who’re getting red skills I care for, but some of them look really interesting :upside_down_face:
And WHY is it that difficult to fix the bug with dodge heroes not dodging disables and berserk not being stolen???

Could be better overall…


Oooh…the heroes in my team get a red skill! Yes! I have been waiting for Dash’s red skill! I am so happy!:grinning:

Beast 2.0?


Awesome Update! I am so happy because of new red skills and new heroes!


Who else is excited for Davy Jones?


I kinda am… I wanted at least ONE useful red skill for me tho


Dash and Maleficent are some of my strongest heroes so I’m happy that they’re getting Red Skills.

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