Update 2.4.10 Patch Notes

What I meant by “removed” was “removed from the meta”.

He shouldn’t be this OP!

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I’m not worried, I’ve heard it all before!

There’s no getting rid of Elsa!



Maybe make it more clear what you meant?

I Agree, he should break havoc at the battles, not the meta. I mean, that’s the Wonderland gimmick, right?

Study heroes first :eye:

Oh and great… more nerfs to study heroes, and scare heroes as well this time. Great…


Well… yes, basically that. lol. It always has been :man_shrugging:

this new hero shoves Cheshire Cat even further up into the clouds as THE hero to use, as if he wasn’t strong enough already - removing the threat from alternative normal damage heroes, and literally being Scared… while control counters such as freeze are also anulled.



sharply looks over at Kim

PB had made almost everyone powerless expect for sadness disgust and cc

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and some more im missing but not alot


Seriously, as many have mentioned, near all of the characters from the soft launch and between it and global need a refresh.
First and foremost, Ralph. Poor breda deals 70k damage at R15 with White Skill! While almost everyone else deals from 400K to 2M, all of the tanks just do so many times more damage.

Then, you can choose. I feel like especially Judy sucks, then Jack Sparrow (as the only pirate, Davy is great, Tia got a fantastic refresh and Barbossa had and has his uses with red skill) as well as many more - Violet, Elastigirl, Finnick, Bogo… many need a buff on their non-red skill, they fare poorly.

Besides, please @Polaris the team should revise the friendship campaigns to NOT include the buffed character. Every time a character is buffed via hero refresh every friendship campaign with that hero as an enemy goes from mildly disgusting to absolute hell.



Anyway, why?

I would agree that he needs to be nerfed, though I don’t think it needs to be as drastic a nerf as most others are calling for. But why specifically does he need to be nerfed so hard that he’s pushed out of the meta, as opposed to Maximus, Mulan, Li Shang, Tron, Timon & Pumbaa, etc. etc.?

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Find it funny that people are freaking out over Fear blocking freeze yet we already have Pleakely😂


If I’m not wrong, Jumba’s Disk is way more useful and less situational. That’s why no one uses that disk.


Yeah I know I’m just stating that people are freaking out that freeze won’t be a thing anymore yet if you got that disk it was already bad for freezes

“Freezes on Pleakley and his allies are [2% to 10%] shorter per 5% HP they are missing.” Which means any battle-opening freezes aren’t shortened at all, or shortened only a little bit, and only heroes that are already getting hit hard have freezes completely blocked. That’s the sort of freeze counter I find interesting.

I really hope that Star Butterfly will be added to this game soon. I have been waiting for her since the launch of this game. :disappointed_relieved:


My 11 favorite hero is finally coming

wait fear is inside out?

Ok, ok, maybe “removed” was a bit of an over exaggerating statement.

Chesire needs to be nerfed. ASAP. Like Randall. Still strong without being rage inducing.


Syndrome (Yz)… no one cared

Uhm… any nerf done to Cheshire right now would take him off meta. Simply bc of the loss of popularity because he was “touched”.
Direct and indirect nerfs work the same way. Remember how Mulan was (and still sorta is, but less) popular? Series of indirect nerfs and the desire to raise her is lesser.
There are just no indirect nerfs that would work on Cheshire. His stats are crazy and apart from a heal he has no other buffs he gives himself. And avoiding his debuffs does not reduce damage he deals, so part of the damage has to go.

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