Update 2.6.10 Known Issues

@Polaris Just was wondering if the new badges are in the Bad Bazaar shop because I’ve now refreshed it 60 times and haven’t seen a single new badge🤔



Everything is working. He becomes back line and tank walks to become front line. Start testing with Hamm + Tank, not a bunch of heroes taking the whole screen.

That proof can be easily debunked. See? Hamm is in the same line as Baymax

Why do you think Baymax, not Hamm is taking damage there? :woman_facepalming:

He’s not in the same line. And even if he was, it makes zero difference. Red skill stops Hamm from walking then Baymax walks until he meets the enemy.

Then why is Hamm not in the same line as Hiro?

Why would he be? Front is Hamm’s original position. When we had reversed order in challengers, initial positions didn’t change either.

You can see Hamm’s red skill is working since he isn’t moving.

Yes but when there’s a Tank he moves to the backline where he very clearly isn’t in that picture.


I know the problem to the Hamm problem, when you set up your team when preparing for a fight Hamm will be more on the right since he is positioned in the front


I just tried a few spars with Hamm and Slinky; Hamm stayed in front of Slinky, and applied the reflect to himself with his blue skill. :man_shrugging: Something’s not working correctly there.

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He becomes a backline hero, nothing in the skill says he moves back. As fight unfolds, other heroes including Hiro are passing him by. It might take a while since Hamm typically starts frontmost.
As for red skill reflect, that again may take time for a tank ally to become frontmost, especially with enemies like Max blocking the way at the beginning of the fight.

No :man_facepalming:

You have to look at the position at the beginning of the battlefield. Not the middle.

By the way


You just debunked your own claim :expressionless:

How? Well, as you said, they passed by him, which means they walk

Here is their actual starting position

Hamm is still a frontliner. He’s clearly bugged, and there’s no point in trying to debunk these claims.


I’ve been seeing this for a while now, Barbossa’s cannon just stays where it is in Trials and doesn’t disappear. I’ve seen this happen in Guild War and Coliseum, too

HL’s disk doesn’t activate here.


Are you seriously expecting Hamm to just spawn behind Hiro where he wouldn’t even fit even though his original position is front? Why do you think heroes didn’t spawn in reversed places wiith the last month’s challenger rule? Why? Think before facepalming someone.

Huh? How is that “debunking my claim”? Less invectives, more actual arguments, thanks.

Haven’t seen anything bugged so far, just not knowing how positions and skills are supposed to work.

No, I expect him to spawn in the same line as Hiro, not ahead of Slinky :roll_eyes:

They did. It’s just that the frontliners (which were backliners) had to walk to get within melee range of enemies to attack :expressionless:

The backliners are in the same line as frontliners… with Hamm


Hamm is supposed to move to the back, so when he’s appearing in the midline, that is a bug.


I know its been like this for a long time now but why can I enter arena after the week is over yet coli takes 5-10 minutes to matchmake?:thinking:

Reflect lasts WAY too long on enemies

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