Update 2.6.10 Known Issues

Yes same I didn’t get my colesium rewards too. I forgot to take screenshot but I didn’t get my colesium rewards. Please fix this problem. Thanks.

Shang did normal damage which should not happen in arena, @Polaris

Yeah, heroes have been doing some normal damage in lots of challenger fights this month. Ah well, the season’s likely gonna end before there’s a fix. :woman_shrugging:

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If it is a bug it is Angel’s doing, because if normal damage happens i only see it with Angel

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I don’t think Angel has anything to do with it. The other day I had a Beast destroying one of my teams (didn’t protect against normal damage), and the team was the one I posted where Merlin got an insane amount of buffs, so no Angel.

But when I did a second attempt he did nothing. Same team, both mine and enemy

Normal Damage is being dealt in challengers Coliseum? I fought a Mulan in the third team she had Colettes disk and knock my heroes back but it didn’t seem like she did damage. Also it’s a bad idea to bring heroes like her in arena/coliseum at this time.

Me too, I fought against an Angel a while ago and could attack my heroes despite only dealing normal damage.

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Such Bull! When I was reading over his disk and saw that there wasn’t a cap I thought it was odd but I figured since you are the ones who design the toon skills and disks, of course you would have thought ahead. Not to mention I figured that because y’all already have upset a bunch of people with your last couple of toon nerfs specifically because of their Invasion performance, why wouldn’t you do your best to not have to do another one so soon and to a Brand-New toon???..my bad on giving you guys too much credit apparently.

The only ‘issue’ is that apparently no one over there actually plays the game, because if anyone did this would have been sooooo obvious!!! This isn’t like you released him and then something went wonky and his disk is preforming in some unintended way. It is working exactly as you designed it work. Technically, the percentage of damage it does is capped per trigger, but you are the ones who designed it to be triggered multiple times! Not us! How long has Wasabi been in development? How many people did it take to figure out his skills/disks then finalize them? I’m going to guess that he has been in the works for longer than a day or two and that more than just 1 person read over his skills/disks and approved of them. So are you seriously saying that no one…NO ONE!!!..over there thought…hmmm, 40% true damage per white skill=perfect for killing bots

If you are smart, and for as much as I have defended you guys to others on this point I am definitely re thinking doing so in the future, but alas…if you are then you will lower the percentage per star and max it out at like 20% and maybe cap the amount of times it can be triggered. Like only the first 3 times his white is used does it apply the extra damage or something like that instead of having to rework his whole disk. It just makes no sense to me to say that a disk can do blank% of an enemies HP in damage…but only if that percentage doesn’t go over blank amount. Because then the disk isn’t really percentage based at all, and again…we arnt the ones who gave Wasabi this disk, y’all are!! You could have made this disk do an infinite amount of various things, it didn’t have to be a disk that does bonus damage but since it is, why do those of us that invested in it and have it maxed out already have to pay the price for your oversight? Such a waste of disk power…


I doubt they ever actually play this game, considering how horrible their answers and reasoning when they make some controverial changes…

About hero making, they said it took them around 6 months for 1. Yeah. 6 months and no one knows there is something wrong with his disc. Can you believe it???

Lucky for me as I havent worked on him (I dont have enough resources) but for my guild mates, no so much…

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Yet Support people say they are players, Leading Devs say they are players. But to what extent are you players? Lenient, few secs a day ones that get something for free because a part of the company, working on your faves only OR Active ones, that do want to be competitive in PvP.

I am for the former there. And to mention I am not a former, nor the latter, but I have a lot of fave characters I just can´t bring up either bc of resources or bc they are trash.

Besides, Invasion isn´t even 100% PvP but a mix of PvE with a slight bit of PvP so… shame, really.

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I find this questionable, considering we have 140 heroes in a game that’s been out 3 years, many of them with very similar skills :thinking:

We get 3 heroes a month roughly (sometimes 4)… so basically they indeed do have 6 months period for 1 albeit at the same time they develop 3 together.

How are we supposed to add Piggy to the team @Polaris? How is she supposed to survive let alone deal enough damage to kill enemies?

Didn’t know where to put this but I want it to be known that it’s gonna be hard to add her to the teams

You don’t have to use her and besides you have the others.

The contest actually force to use her…
Animal and Gonzo also doesn’t do much fantastic damage
Kermit does 0.
Chef is new and all…


I’m sympathetic to your point, but is it really on topic?

You don’t have to use the characters to actually KO enemies, though, right? So outside of the obvious issue of Gonzo and Miss Piggy being outdated, I don’t see what the issue is with these tasks.

Actually, never mind, I forgot about the current Challenger rules since I’m not there yet in either PvP mode. That explains it a bit.


Normal damage is negated for this season of challenger in server 1.
Therefore, trying to get points via muppets requires you to deliberately hamstring yourself even if you have the heroes leveled.

And unlike other such contests that had winning surge and city watch, you can’t get your guild to help by posting mercs.

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I forgot about the Challenger rules when I first wrote that comment, but now I see what part of the issue is.

I still don’t fully understand why Kermit would be a bad idea to use, though. He doesn’t do damage, but he’s still very useful for buffing your team.


But challengers is so high, that if you don’t have a high enough kermit, he is basically useless too, remember he is pretty new, so hardly anyone has him challenger level.

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