Update 2.6-A Patch Notes

True. So true. :joy:



These creeps are getting tuffer and tuffer

I wonder if we’ll get to see the Mega Mage in Chapter 39 :thinking:

Wait, why did the 2 comments asking “What is the Mega Mage?” get flagged? Djaq mentioned it, and the 2 people asking that were just wondering what they were referring to. (And quite frankly, I don’t even really know what it is myself.)


The creep got leaked in Invasion. This thread should give some info.


Voucher mode is the worst thing already done in the game!!! @Polaris


What do you mean?

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What happened?

I don’t think the issue is that you’re criticizing PB; I think the issue is how you’re expressing that criticism.

  1. No cursing doesn’t automatically mean that your comment is safe from flagging.
  2. Not every comment expressing unhappiness about this update has been flagged, but any comments that have been expressing such unhappiness in an angry and potentially aggressive manner HAVE been flagged. And the wording of your initial comment somewhat leans that way.
  3. As @Filadae_Djaq mentioned when they responded to your initial comment, this update being only a cap raise matches PB’s consistent schedule of including a cap raise every 4 weeks, so it isn’t as if they’re just doing this on a whim and out of sheer ignorance.

Before you complain about being flagged I’ll give you a hint as to why:


Read the whole conversation again. Slinky’s comment wasn’t referring to you.


Oh wow this game now rates R and 18+ ( R +18 ) i supposed so

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I’m not happy with yet another rushed cap increase. It would be nice Perblue would consider to slow down the cap increase again. I believe Perblue THINKS the cap increase is good for the game’s longevity, but the clear evidence that people keep leaving the game and that we’ve got yet another server merge shows otherwise. So I’m curious, how exactly is this rapid cap increase good for the game again? I’ve also yet to see a SINGLE person say that they enjoy the cap increase. I’m curious Perblue, very curious.


No one is actually complaining about cap increases. Those can be easily reached within a couple of weeks, F2P or not.

What people are complaining about are the new ranks and the increase in stamina necessary to fight in future chapters. Ranks have been harder to keep up with for a long time, due to the amount of resources necessary.


Thanks for the response. I understand your argument. But the thing is, you can’t have one without the other. If the cap increases, so does the badge rank. While I fully agree that the cap rank is totally reachable F2P or not, it doesn’t mean much if you can’t increase your badge rank along with it as well.

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Perhaps they will do 15, 13, 11, 9 and 7 instead of the 14,12,10,8 and 6.

This will give huge slap to all players, making it harder to max the huge number of heroes, or ANY number of hero(es). The economy problems with this game are already terrible, and the idea of newest CH cost 15 is gross, but increasing costs ALL across the campaign will definitely leave a scar and making another wave of people leaving the game.
(Any increase in normal campaign also increase in the elite)
Thankfully it won’t happen… I guess, this is DH, who knows?! :woman_shrugging:

PB should decrease the costs to 6 in all chapters, not increase them, or at least give more free stamina.

It’s just sad to watch the killing progress of this good game… ehh


I think what they’re doing is a reverse hydra process. Unlike cutting off one head and two more appear, Heal one head and two more die out. They’re advancing, but backwards. One step forward, two steps back.

What they should do to converse their “oh so precious” stamina costs is to AT LEAST increase the rewards to make sure the 15 stamina cost is worth it.


Looks like tomorrow most of us will have 2 main lands

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