Update 2.6-A Patch Notes

No it doesn’t. Gosh… :woman_facepalming:

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You are right, it does not cost the same badge-wise. To craft one bit-based badge you need 1200 (or 600 with double drops) stamina anyway.

Still, O2 badges at average cost like 4000 stamina each. Orange badges in R13 cost like 8000 stamina each. 2x is exponential based on the power, stat increase between them? How?
Not to mention R13 uses a lot of those O2 badges, so decreasing the latter stamina cost helps both and many others, unlike lowering R14-R17 costs to 6, since those bits are currently used not nearly as much. You can even prove what I say by looking at all the newest badges. No R17 badge apart from R17 bits or R16 bits need any of R14 or R15 bits, only R10 or below.


All y’all that in servers 1 to 12 are gonna get it like me I’m in server 2

1-12 is exactly 1, 2, 5 and 12. No more servers from the “first 12” anymore.
Actually, not sure even 12 exists anymore.

This game has issues. Every single patch just adds increased level cap or more heroes to make you fall even further behind forcing you to spend more and more if you want to keep up.
The moment you have caught up fully on your main set of heroes and you can start working on the other heroes that are behind, they increase cap and force you to stop and get back on the main heroes so you never really make any progress at all unless you spend insane amounts of cash.

Furthermore, contests are complete trash, Perblue has zero imagination.
Just win by spending diamonds or stamina = whoever pays most wins. Or other contests that are just about farming Surge, or Arena or Heist and whatever.
The entire point of events/contests is to make the game interesting, to get you away from the boring daily grind, but their contests are just more of the same daily grind with nothing new to see, the same old loop just repeats everyday regardless of contest or not.

Look at other gacha games and their events, its WORLDS apart. Take AFK Arena for example, they make specific dungeons and stuff you can do for each specific event to keep you occupied and interested and constantly add new stuff and gameplay modes instead of just doing as Perblue “spend stamina” wow so imaginative. Its just lazy and greedy and proves they dont really care at all about the players.
Simply adding new heroes and calling it a day doesnt mean its content. The daily grind is still the same.
AFK Arena having tons of new events with different types of labyrinths you have to battle through and solve puzzles in to get rewards, different types of boss events where you have to come up with specific strategies/teams to beat it for rewards and this is just scratching the surface of what others are doing.

I suggest the devs to go look at tons of other gachas and see what they are doing in terms of events and take inspiration from there because this ■■■■ is lacking heavily.


You my man.

What is happening in Disney Heroes is lack of inspiration (for contest) and eternal backdrop.

More concerning is that any new player is just put in an instant huge backdrop meaning those players won´t survive for long. And those accounts that survive bring no revenue or are used by people already paying something in order to fight the eternal backdrop at merge, when you can consolidate account.

It´s just making all players so angry at the developers and honestly, you don´t have to be a genius that you should give enough to freely at least from 90% cover what was added into the game in a time period.
Say, there are 3 characters and the cap is level 225, R18. You should process all the modes that can help you in achieving that and a player should FREELY manage to at least cover 90% of it.
If they don´t, the game is in eternal backdrop mode.
Right now for Disney Heroes the amount of covering the additions is around 30% for gold and XP and 8% for Badges. In other words, VERY LOW.


Probably merged with another

Looks like my server gonna get it

Yeah, my post was intended as constructive criticism and maybe a wake-up call for Perblue.
Probably not gonna happen though =/
I truly want this to be a great game, and I want them to succeed but right now and for a long time as well, its a dud.


Not only does this increase the costs for badges in the newest chapter, it also means the previous four chapters remain at their higher costs for another month. And, of course, we’ll now have five chapters instead of four with increased costs going forward.

But that’s not the worst part. Not even remotely close. The worst part is that this seems to show that, far from thinking that badges cost too much, PerBlue believes badges cost too little. That a high-level badge requiring as much stamina as a player can get from a week’s worth of free stamina plus that week’s 50-diamond stamina buys is too low a cost. At this point, I’m wondering if PerBlue thinks FtP players should even be able to keep a 5-hero arena team at max rank, much less a 15-hero coli/war team.

So, are we ever going to see badge costs made more affordable? Or does PerBlue intend to just keep driving costs up faster and faster until the end of the game?


Sure don’t seem healthy for a game to keep increasing costs like this if u ask me, but what do we know, we just play the game which apparently means nothing in eyes of pb.

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The Hub is so awesome. It reminds me of something but I forgot what it was though. But good patch notes regardless. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Will there be five tho? Aren´t the previous going to drop as usual :thinking: with 8, 10, 12 and 15 instead of 8, 10, 12, 14?

If you do increase at the top, decrease at the bottom. That´s the correct way to do things. High badges need a truckload of lower badge bits still!
@Polaris I demand that asap! Any increase can cause a backlash now, since people are just awfully tired at how much the badges cost.
38k is too little? Huh? Huh? Why? How much should a red badge cost? 50k? Huh?


If absolutely nothing else, can we have some explanation as to why the stamina cost of the stages is rising?

As annoying as the current cost system is, at least it, technically, made badges cheaper to make as new caps came out but this is just…

Seriously, WHY?

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Being named “users” is quite detrimenting to players, but accurately describes our situation in this game. Devs enjoy it, we don´t.

Moreover, parts of the team play the game as well.

  1. How do they play it? F2P, VIP 0 or not?
  2. They find the current resource balance correct. If yes, what is leading them to that conclusion? Is there a set amount of characters players are meant to be able to keep ranking up?
    If no, why aren´t they heard inside of the team?
  3. PvP Power Creep based on the presence of a hero. How can you go by that in Arena where you need 5 characters if you need to raise 15 characters for other modes. Plus obviously most F2P players do suck at even raising 15 characters, so taking their lineups into account is meaningless.
    Why does PerBlue team not test particular lineups that appear the most, not just characters? Studying them, seeing why they are very good (or not) and approach it in some way then?
  4. Is the team actively testing making out new accounts and seeing how the scaling works at the bottom? If not, they definitely should, I already did that kind of testing for my own purposes and it´s not good. R0 shouldn´t be a thing of 40+ days with R17 cap, essentially being a 1/7 of a game. Meaning cap is 8 months issue, too much for new players to keep playing.
    @Polaris could be an answer to those 4 questions provided to me by all staff that plays the game. I don´t want it in any official way, just a matter of perspective and player approach and my studying of a game. Thanks.
    Doesn´t need to be long, but I would like to get some response.


No. It’s every 4 weeks. The timing hasn’t changed.


This is still true:
The Stamina cost of Campaign is dynamic. When a new chapter is added to a server, the stamina cost for the next 3 newest will be decreased, and all chapters older than that will cost 6.


Thanks for the clarification, and that makes the increase a little less painful, though I still fear it means that badge costs will keep accelerating faster than increases in stamina income.

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Will the Chapter 39 cost 6 stamina in 4 months though?
Why do we need 15 stamina cost instead of 14?

Looks like the worst Update, we’ve ever had

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