Update 2.7 Known Issues

Wdym? This thread was literally designed for the community…

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Your Bugs? Lol

You said Polaris cover that(It was a reply to topcat and djaq) :slight_smile: Lol.
Your really cool

What a coincidence that all the Inside Out heroes are yellow we would make the collection in minutes… are you sure that the red invasion was not on purpose? :wink:


…the lighting isn’t even broken

@Polaris not a bug per se, but rather irritating issue I have with Collections:

Got Tanks for the Ride! challenge again, despite clearing it like two weeks ago as well. Could the Challenges prefer non-completed challenges if there are any, PLEASE?

Oh, and one more. Why Badge Bazaar shows that “XY needs this item for crafting” if it is only in the next rank? Could that be fixed?

For the people with the coliseum and arena tutorial issues, a screenshot is helpful. There are multiple tutorials and the screenshot will help me find the right now.

For Creep Surge rewards, if you miss them one day, they’ll be delivered the next day Surge resets. It’s likely related to the timing of the update and not something that should happen regularly.

Also, if an issue has been posted here, other people are welcome to offer further details if they are also experiencing it, but there’s not need to amplify posts if you aren’t having the bug. I read everything here and having to sort through unnecessary posts slows me down. :+1:


Hi @Polaris i hope all bug issues clear up what if they get into more devices?

Still having issues @Polaris doesnt matter which server I’m on

The invasion shop has already refreshed, at the same time Surge rewards were sent out. @Polaris :exploding_head:


@Polaris you can maybe explain us how those new changes in invasion should help weaker players.

A 3 million total power player with the highest hero at R3 gets a bot and enemies at level R12… so how does the change helped?


He should get maybe a R3 bots and enemies for the breaker quest even he has only 1-2 R3 heroes and the Most are R0-1 but R12? It’s a joke… and it’s a big difference! How should someone with R2-3 beat someone with R12?


Like @Pipsqueak my invasion shop is refreshing earlier than it used to (40 minutes earlier). I am on server 22.

Always used to refresh at 6pm but now says it refreshes 5:20pm.

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Oh forgot to mention the “your surge rewards are ready” notification is still coming through about ten minutes before they actually are ready.

Just did a surge fight with a hired mercenary and won.

That same mercenary has remained in my hired slot for use in my next fight.

I think I am seeing a bug in Invasion. If I use the retry attempt button my heroes are revived but the system’s team does not. My team then appears in the next battle but the system’s team might have one or two heroes leftover from the previous battle. I have even seen my heroes line up against an empty field take one shot and finish.

Also, before the update if I used the auto quick fight it would take my team through its last battle (end of level, end of available stamina, or my heroes were KOd). I have run it a few times after the update and the system ends the run before my heroes are KOd (still more battles in level and stamina). I don’t know if this was planned.

Both seem to be a benefit to me but I thought I would bring it up as it is a change from the previous Invasions.


@Polaris i just reinstalled the app to see if it will fix it and it sadly did not

@Puncher_Pigerlet Did it let you use the merc again? If so, which mercenary was it?

Some screenshots to confirm issue in Invasion - if you hit Retry after a fight (even if it was a victory), the result is kept -

This causes an interesting situation if you’ve won and you Retry, where the battle begins with no opponent :laughing:


… So do the characters just enter combat and then immediately do their victory animations? Lol. :rofl:


Basically yes :joy:


The Surge reward-sending bug is happen again today. When I logged in 1st time and clicked on Surge, there was nothing, just the map. But when I exited, logged back in again and clicked on Surge, I got my rewards

This is annoying and only happens after update. Please have the team take a look @Polaris

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