Update 2.7 Patch Notes

This would be great for a character concept! Though you should make a separate topic for this as it’s off-topic


Not really, tbh. These cap raises are like the bread I had from the school canteen this morning.

Stale, and way too much chewing required. :bread:

I’ve given up arguing against them as it’s been made clear that despite large opposition here, there are apparently enough faceless people who enjoy it to warrant that it won’t change :frowning_face:

I am looking forward to seeing what new features Yellow brings, and hoping it will be something fresh & interesting.


Same agree with everything you have said. I might not make the new rank not sure how long it will take not spending to get my heroes to R19

Edit: how have you got away with calling people faceless but I mention sheep and it a instant no no


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I’m curious why Perblue chooses to make separate posts for the sign-in heroes and the patch notes. The new sign-in heroes and market refreshes used to be included in the Patch Notes as well. Now the patch notes just seem much emptier than usual.

I’m not glad with another badge rank increase. This was the perfect time to give the players some breathing space in anticipation for the new color rank. But now you’ve completely messed up the established pattern you’ve already had. I still don’t know why Perblue pushes forward with the 4-week cap increase. Especially since now you’ve pretty much confirmed that the cap increase is to fast for even the developers. Because if we’ve followed the pattern you were on, we were supposed to get our first yellow badges 3 months ago when R15 was the highest rank. And please don’t tell me you were planning on extending the Red rank until
level 19 all along.


Sucks we can’t play the invasion until later tomorrow after the update

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I got a notification on my phone that a new Invasion has started. I went on but no Mama Bots were around trying to scrap the city. Bummer.

Read This, I think this will help.

Ah I see. Oh well.

I don’t mean anything rude by this, I mean people who’s opinion we can’t see or hear, because they aren’t visible on the forums or voicing their thoughts in guild chats. This is often a prominent reason given by PB as to why the general consensus on the forum isn’t representative of the entire player base - there are a lot of that kind of player :stuck_out_tongue:

And 90% of them agrees with the census that pb is killing the game and level/badge increases are to often and preferred be stopped permanently, but nvm that.

This update has not fixed invasion far from it.

And the greedy move with r19 has already on my server seen 15 people leave 5 of them big spenders.

But pb don’t care.

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…this wouldn’t be good.


If they slowed down the pace permanently… that would be better and have a stronger appeal

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that will put less $$$$ In their pockets

If PB made things cheaper, more people would buy stuff, thus making your statement partially invalid*

Having realistic (low) expectations here about cap raises, something else that would really help is a quicker earlygame, and revamping modes to be enjoyable.

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I’m actually curious about this.

Let’s see tomorrow.

I’ll put it this way… the tier could be yellow, then pink in two weeks. I’ve lost interest keeping up with it and Im quite comfortable staying at R10 most likely until I retire.

It gets to a point where it no longer even makes logical sense to sink the money / resources it takes to get characters to the next tier. Where badges cost 20K stamina to power craft. I’m not even comfortable coughing up that many resources to keep up with the joneses.

Ultimately, it’s a game and you play within your comfort level. Raising the bar every few or so weeks doesn’t mean you have to jump over it. I’m perfectly content with the effort and money it’s taken to get my characters to mid Red tier and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that… And I’ve given up asking for them to slow down. Ive been doing so for over two years.

It will come to a point where developers will realize that their players are getting exhausted and end up leaving. Without some massive stamina / energy currency overhaul… it’ll be nearly impossible for 90% of the player base.

I still love this game with every fiber of my being, but sometimes you just have to set personal goals. Not worry about staying on top of the mountain. Enjoy the game, folks.


I believe it’s gonna be new music for sure
Well find out tomorrow because I’m hyped


Get ready.


What time do updates usually be available?

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