Update 3.2.10 Patch Notes

That’s exactly what I was thinking!:thinking: I couldn’t agree more with you, plus Judy is currently my strongest hero in my collection!:heart::rabbit2:
I especially want her to have fantastic damage so she can defeat brutal enemies.:wink:

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… What do you mean by “strongest” here? Because as much as I love Zootopia, there’s almost no way Judy is anywhere near your “strongest” hero… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also, if that really were the case (which I seriously doubt), wouldn’t Judy being your strongest hero mean that she actually deserves it less than anyone else since she wouldn’t be in as much need of it? :thinking:

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I meant when it comes the power and ranks of each of my heroes. And I’m not saying she deserves less than anyone else.

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I love Vinny he’s a really great character and I’m glad to see him coming to the game!
I have really great memories of playing the PS1 demo for the Atlantis video game and playing as Vinny a lot. And yes, that is where “The Door Is Locked” comes from.

Always happy to see this at the bottom of notes.


The Big Hero 6 collection of characters is complete. I was thinking about adding a Big Hero 6 collection to Collections. What should we find this next month in terms of patch notes?


Why is Fred not friends with Wasabi?
They interact the most often, due to the comedy value of having Fred’s slacker mentality conflict with Wasabi’s obessesion with neatness.

Gogo makes no sense, since she is not Fred’s friend and barely tolerates him.

I just hope Fred is viable in gameplay without his Friendship disc, since I won’’t be using Gogo and can’t use Barley, therefore he gets no disc bonus.
Wasabi at least that I could have worked with, since I am using/upgrading him.


You can beat the first chapeter just with one of them well upgraded :man_shrugging:

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Do you mean Fred can pass the first chapter solo?
In my personal experience, a character would need significant amounts of power to do that, especially considering the enemies seem to be around Red19 in Friendship Campaigns.

Also, some of the random choices for later chapters also tend to be ones I never use, which makes their assistance detrimental instead of effective.

All of the above is why I mostly stopped playing Friendships.


Yes! More Atlantis Heroes!


Too bad :man_shrugging:

Not like these exist.


Not helping

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…It’s fine if you’re not ok with the choice, but she IS Fred’s friend, dude. Yeah, maybe Wasabi could be a bit better (since they interact with eachother more), but Gogo and Fred are still friends, they’re all friends.

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Have you seen the way Gogo talks to Fred?
It is definitely not friendly, I’m say he is a barely tolerated acquaintance at best.

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It’s just the way she talks :man_shrugging:


Gogo just has a tough attitude and a tough shell, and Fred does sometimes be a goof and it kinda annoys her, but she still cares about him, obviously. (The same way she cares about all her friends) and It’s not like she’s threatning him or something, she’s just a serious person and that’s just how she is.

(They also had good moments in the series, where it genuinely showed that she liked hanging out with him.)


Why is everyone more exited about the Atlantis guy over fred? That must mean that he is not a popular character!

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I’m mostly comparing Gogo’s relationship with Fred to the others, she’s somewhat friendly with Honey Lemon (despite being complete opposites), is giving Hiro tough love and enjoys teasing Wasabi.

The fact she is unpleasant to Fred specifically means he’s not really a friend, just someone she tolerates.

Vinny has appeal because he is from a neglected franchise.
Any time Disney remembers Atlantis exists or promotes it is cause for celebration.


… What? I’m pretty certain there’s been noticeably more discussion in this thread about how excited people are for Fred than there has been any discussion whatsoever about Vinny (who I’m also excited for, tbf).

Also, even if that were the case… a character’s popularity can’t and most definitely shouldn’t be determined by the discussion in just this one thread alone…


Thanks cuz whenever I scroll I only see positive comments about vinny

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I mean, they are both extremely laid-back, are serious when the time calls for it, seem to both have an obsession with something (comic books for Fred and magic for Barley), are both somewhat loud, have a big companion by their side (Baymax and Corey), etc.

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