Update 3.2 Patch Notes

You know what that brings!


YES! Disney’s finest evil babe is finally coming to DHBM! With a Kigo friendship, no less! I’ve been waiting for Shego for the LONGEST time!


Another amazing patch notes by the the legend, @Polaris , I cannot wait for Shego! I might try to get her to yellow. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well if you have blue team crates or diamond crates you would have the chance to get her

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… And you replied to Ozi with both of those comments… why exactly? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


BC I wanted to

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Try to put everything in one comment next time

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Once again, I wanted someone else instead… but still happy for the people who like KP and Shego!


Okay, another character from the same show joining right after the previous one, that’s great.:+1:
But with the hero filters, now this gets interesting.:clap: I feel like the details in this section might be a little easier, especially when you’re trying to find a hero you want to use.
Since we now got 4 Kim Possible characters, I think that’ll be good to end there for now. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Phineas and Ferb characters would appear soon, because that show is the Kim Possible of the late 2000s and early/mid 2010s!
I’ll be ready for that as usual, and Happy (early) 4th of July!:sparkler::us::tada::firecracker::ice_cream::hamburger::fries:

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The only character I can imagine coming is Forky, and that should be it. No more TS characters from there.

Anyways, Shego is good, although she should be friends with Drakken instead of Kim TBH.


Well I’m glad she here because she’s a way better villian than Drakken

Plus it would be great to see more Kim Possible characters come in the future


… “Players”? You mean “characters”? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also, I can’t see PB adding too many more KP characters after this, if any. Maybe Monkey Fist and Duff Killigan (although the latter seems less likely of the two imo), but that’s about it.


Players and characters there the same thing

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… No, they’re not.

Players typically refers to the people who actually play the game (like us).

Characters are the fictional “people” who appear in the game that we can play as.


Enough with the kim possible character. Can we get the legit disney characters from the movies?


This is a very big nice update keep up the good work and support in this game community.

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TV shows doesn’t get enough representation overall… so it’s right thing shat PB is doing.
Movies always get representation everywhere, while any cartoon is left behind.

I hope to see more TV shows in future.


Is anyone else tired of all the griping about characters being added from X movie or Y tv show? Whoever you want to see added to the game, there’s certainly players who’d rather not have that character added; do/would you like it when people complain about someone you’re happy to see?

There’s already far too much negativity within the game and in the world in general; do we really need to add to it over such a trivial matter?


No, there can never be too many characters. Somebody is always going to like another character than you. Everybody has their favorites and levels them, it’s their right when playing this game. If you don’t like them, you don’t need to get them. Period.

I personally would love to see Lotso, the potatoes or the doll from Toy Story 4. And I would enjoy those characters a lot. Also, Kim Possible has a lot still to offer. Wade and two other villains, which could make exceptional characters. At least all main characters and villains of a movie or show should be featured at some point. Because if not, it would be unfair towards the others and you’re gonna ask yourself, why your favorite was the one picked not to be in this game.
Also Charles from Up is still missing :wink: and Zootopia also has a lot of characters to offer. The sloth for instance xD


I’m willing to bet PerBlue’s gonna tweak Shego’s skills some time after hearing these complaints…

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