Update 3.3 Known Issues

Thank you! We appreciate you!

Why crates don’t have a drop down tab I’m not really sure tbh they are a resource after all so giving them a tab would be a good call

If those of you not seeing the update deal can reopen the game and let me know if you have it now.

If you’re playing on a brand new account you won’t be seeing the deal.


Still do not have after closing and reopening 3times

Edit… after posting 4th time works! Haha

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“Players are now able to filter only chests in their items”.

The chests SHOULD have a filter via the drop down menu. According to the notes.
There isn’t one.

If you sort by misc, the crates should be there.


They are their but i feel they should have their own tab tbh and not lumped with misc

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That I know. But the notes suggests a specific filter.

@Loutre Can this description be verified/corrected? To me, it seems like it should only be that Hexed enemies gain more energy and not Scared enemies too…? It seems like “are Scared” should be removed from the first sentence/section and a period after Hexed maybe? Unless I am not understanding the purpose of the disk overall…

Guild perk crates just disappeared?

Also how has some people got scavenger hunt ? Not visible on iOS

hi, I had a lot of diamond crates, when the game updated I lost them. plz help <3

Crates seem to be in Misc in inventory search

Amazon users can’t get on as per usual .

Basil wasn’t fixed, active still doesn’t give him energy

Mushu works perfectly though :grin:


We are still waiting for Amazon approval.


Yayyy for Mushu working, but noooo about Basil! Poked the team about it!


I assume it is not correct right now as her official stats are not in yet.


So anyway @Loutre, did I get it all correctly that if someone uses BlueStacks in-built “Macros” function, they will get banned?

Is there even a reliable way to tell whether the USER (I prefer player, but oh well) is actually using Macros function inside BlueStacks from the game data? Or you will just ban everyone performing certain task “too quickly” (hard to even judge what that is, but eh).

Anyway, I´d like the “buy 100” or the “slider” (as we discussed it in 3.3 Patch Notes) as soon as possible. Could you provide info if it comes close to happen please? :slight_smile:

I just wanted to say that my crates are not in the badges or misc sort… I should have quite a few 10x diamond crates as I have been saving up.

I will reload the game but my crates are not there.

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