Update 3.3 Patch Notes

They are not widely available. You can spam buy Gold Crates while you can´t spam buy Diamond Crates.

Not compared to gold crates, sure, but still better

I got all of these crates after Fred was released

No money was used


The question is whether you can get X gold crates or diamond crates a day. I´d argue that with the replenish of the gold every day if I spent all of it on gold crates I´d get superior rewards to your free diamond crates.
That´s what I was comparing…

Because trying to compare 10 gold crates return and 10 diamond crates return would be like comparing an apple and a watermelon.

To me it’s the drops that count, not the amount of crates you can get :neutral_face:

As I said above, try to compare “all gold gain spent on gold crates” and diamond crates average per day.

To me, all this talk about whether gold crates are worth purchasing or not seems, um, off-topic?

Worth it or not, I do think having a Buy 100 option for gold crates would be good, and a slider to buy as many crates as one desires would be even better (though I fear the game would break trying to display the contents of several thousand gold crates…).

I also like @The_Real_Numi’s suggestion of being able to do a Craft All with badge bits; it’s annoying to keep dealing with the Needed badge selector in the upper right going to badges that I can already craft a thousand times over, and if I could actually craft them that many times, it would go a long way towards making the Needed badge selector at least somewhat useful again. @Loutre, any chance you could pass that along to the team?


it does not break with 100 diamond crates, don´t think it will have problem with more than that tbh…
Heck, we have the power promote which has to generate loads of badges and stuff around.

The design is spot on !!! Can wait till event



If you or the team writes a policy on this, could I ask you to please be accurate with the wording. Not because I’m looking for loopholes but I find it highly confusing when different things are called by the same name.

Mods commonly modify the game. Enabling you to change values or add new things to the game.
Bots will play a game for you. Common examples are in games like WoW, where they can control your character, identify, target and fight enemies and collect their loot.
Auto Clickers click for you, usually to get rid of tedious tasks.
Macros have a similar goal (saving you from unnecessary clicks) but are commonly used to enhance your performance in games and therefore often are offered by the software of gaming hardware like mice and keyboards.


Mods is also fairly confusing itself since it’s the same name that refers to an actual in-game feature. It should probably be called the full name Modifications, or something else entirely like Code Injection.

On the same topic, it’s fairly amusing the amount of people who seem to be worried whether they have or have not broken these TOS - I’d have thought if there’s any doubt, then yep, you probably have :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I am glad you shared this.
I would ban the first two - the other two well… disputable.


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Update Day

How long does it take to update?

When will servers go down @Loutre?

Atleast an hour I would say since this update brings a new feature.

Later today. I would say before noon CT.


Ok thanks dash

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IOS update is up :-).


Lucky you.

Please make it so the refreshed hero(es) is/are Woody and maybe Bo :pray::pray:

So yeah update is out for Apple on my end

Now just to wait for @Loutre to come on and start the updating process :tada:

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