Update 3.4.10 Patch Notes

Mr. Big & Koslov’s Polar Freeze disk was bugged and would cause battles to go on endlessly and will now be fixed in this update.


Maximus already was becoming less valueable, now another nerf :frowning_face:

Luckily though refresh meant only changing one skill. Ashame though he gets more energy, but we gotta cope with it.

Trial events sure seems very exciting. I love rules that force you to be more creative! So looking forward to seeing it!

Sad to see the reign of this beautifull disk end, but it’s the way it is. Maybe he could get some more conservation in return?

Yes! Hooray! Love to see this and will start working on it very soon!

Very much welcome, hero XP is probably the most scarce resource! (And hopefully double/triple port soon!)

Yes, time to add the final stars!

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That is… weirdly specific. Either Ratigan is coming as a Tank with Study, or someone at PB felt it would be a good improvement to counter literally just 3 heroes, only 1 of which is used semi-commonly.

I hope the ones in the screenshot are just placeholders, because those are pathetic.

Good… hopefully by a decent amount?



@Loutre Is that Hercules’ father?


Yeah it is


No, he will still be great! Just no longer able to permafreeze the entire other team for like a minute straight, by himself. He’ll require some more freeze synergy for max effectiveness


Eh. Not really interested in Zeus. He’s just…plain. tbh I am quite surprised that we didn’t get a character that’ll kinda be Halloween themed or a more interesting character at least. His skills are probably going to be as bad as the sea witch With the entire screen flashing white almost instantly. Seriously though maybe tone down her brightness? I get it that it’s lightning and all but it can cause a lot of harm to people irl if they are epileptic


The Halloween character is due out later this month.


I don’t know how you charge MrB but if you block all the freeze and Scare for the first seconds of the fight he won’t charge quick enough. The fact that MH and Kronk don’t counter directly MrB doesn’t mean they don’t do it at all. He only has one skill to freeze besides his white. So he usually he is used with fast freezer (Baymax Elsa) or scary (LSB, demona). This game is a team game.


So… When do we’ll have Anna?


Most likely around Christmas


@Loutre May I actually ask the team to give Tenacity to Maximus? I don´t say like a lot, but his current 7% to be 2% next month will be very low and I just don´t want it to be not working at all.

Similarly a check should be made on more characters. Mainly just Evasion/Tenacity, but somewhere stats like Fantastic Crit or Armor/Reality Negation might be slightly needed.


Or never… just as good Basil in this game :upside_down_face:

No. The team decided he needs that 10 crit damage more :confused:

Mr Big & Koslov and his disk have been live for more than 6 months now. And now you’re telling that you suddenly realize, what the community said from the very first moment about his skills. I even remember that someone posted a video in this forum about his mad speed and all of you dismissed him for being old news and now that everyone has him you’re nerfing them?


:man_shrugging: I mean, I could with some dedication make most characters half good, but hey ho.

I cannot get a job at PB obviously, not a U.S. citizen.

Look at Vanellope.

She now has 0% chance to crit.
Reality negation is about to fall below cap.
But she keeps getting useless for her normal crit.

Bolt is so much better with fantastic crit.
Basil will all stats below cap.
How badges are given make no sense.

Tis why the mods were made to buff the characters lol

Oh boy, there sure is a lot!:open_mouth:
It looks like Hercules’ father will be joining the league and he sure sounds exciting. Basil’s refresh sounds cool (I’m still thinking Judy should have one), and the wave trials sounds pretty exciting as well. I guess I have to wait for a while to get Zeus from the prize wall, I’m fine with that.
By the way, did I just see that Big Hero 6 is having their own collection?:grinning: Oh boy….looks like I’m gonna have a lot of time to master all of the gang, which all of my BH6 gang got over 3-4 stars!
What an exciting update, keep it up!:+1:

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lt is very strange that Zeus is not a friend of Hercules!

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I perfer the Hades friendship though lol
I think it would be more fun than one with Herucles

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