Update 3.5.10-A Patch Notes

It is only a server update.

Oh welp nvm. Haha. I am just distracted because so many updates recently have been app as well.


Cap rise is in the patch notes

Don’t get what that has to to do what I’m saying…

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We just got new heroes last week. Give them a second to breathe

Hi Ambetstrike, this server merge, levels and resource requirement turns me off the game. Not known you and the guild long but dont expect to be hanging around much longer. Sayonara

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I think people were confused on if it was maintenance or the actual update.

Amberstrike - just to check spelling. Soz, lol

Lmao pushing up the ranks to fast,u guys sold to pure blue and they destroyed the gane,u are actually doing the same now

Servers back up!

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