Update 3.5.10-A Patch Notes

it’s only 1:47pm


What I mean is: at what point (what time) will you guys say, “Yeah, we’re pushing to tomorrow.”

It is technically 20.50/8.50PM in Europe right now so you know, so yeah a bit different for us here in Europe :-).

So before or after midnight at least in Europe could be a question.


We have no idea and just have to wait for AWS to go back up.

What is the last time we can get an update? 7PM CT? (So like 2-3 AM in Europe?)

Fair enough and yeah, hope it all goes well in the end :-).

It would possibly be closer to 6pm CST


CST? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Central standard time so 1 hour behind east coast time


I just used CT because… well there is no need for Standard, it can be mistaken for Summer… even though the “Summer” time is CDT.

My other AWS hosted systems are back, up and running. Hopefully soon

Everything is working again so server update will be at 3:15pm CST


Looking forward to it! Tyvm loutre!

Glad to see the manpower in action.

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I like the update, but it’s sad there aren’t gonna be any new heroes this update.

We “blew their cover” :joy:

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New heroes take a lot of work to make sure they are halfway stable to add in game. I’m sure we will get some new heroes soon.

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Will the update be soon on Google Play @Loutre? Any news?

Isn’t it a server update only?


Man, just chill.

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