Update 3.5.11 Patch Notes

Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Update 3.5.11

Welcome to the Disney Heroes: Battle Mode 3.5.11 Update! This release features a new Frozen Collection, plus special winter content - more details coming soon!


  • New Frozen Collection!
  • Celebrating Winter!

Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • New Frozen Collection!
  • We’ve added an icon to Trial Events that will indicate if the rules apply to the player’s team, the opponent team, or both.
  • We’ve changed the way progress rewards are granted in guild contests. Players will only be able to earn each progress reward once per contest.
  • We’ve clarified the “Vulnerable To” information on the Mega Virus. The information button on the status describes what that status does.

  • We fixed an issue with the Codebase Trial where the Fight Details text could go off the screen.
  • We fixed a bug with Elsa’s “Frosted Over” skill where the damage bonus for “Snow Strike” was not being applied.
  • We fixed an issue where Billy would show up in Heist battles before Sarah Sanderson

This is a full app and server update that is currently planned for Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Finally now this is what I like to see

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Ooo, a Frozen collection. This is starting to go in the right direction for a certain someone.


Paging @LilRubyKinz. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


So…is this the 3.0 sitch all over again when we have to wait for a character to be approved or…?

Yay winter!!

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Antes que nada, Justo me apareció cuando me iba a ir de los foros jajaja.

Siempre es bienvenido una nueva colección, mucho más si es de frozen.

Aunque esperaba una actualización de héroe honestamente

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A week of waiting for that? …

Movie or as disable type?

3.0 all over. Omg.


I gues this will be like the Alice in Wonderland one right? Cause we only have Elsa, Kristoff and Olaf.

Ehh, did I miss this in the rest of the patch notes? Did have good fixes, but is that what this indicates?


Thanks Musk!!

Sounds more logical than what I came up with. Though all three from the movie Frozen are incorporated here!

Hadn’t spotted this either yet, explains what I was missing, so thanks for pointing it out :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Remember what they said - holidays delays stuff


Still 2 weeks to them tho…

This could also signify they are looking to release one or more new characters related to the game.

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Yay! Hope the stat buff is good!


tải xuống (2)
He lost his invincibility

Frozen Collection is from movie.




This is what we got for waiting 2 weeks??? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:




So my initial idea was good after all that it is from the movie

Does it indeed mean that collection is simular to Alice in Wonderland (4 levels total)?

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Wasn’t expecting to see this but yayy

Ik this isn’t the first collection with just 3 heroes because Alice in Wonderland was first

We still need a white rabbit for Alice in Wonderland … pls and Ty. And zero for nightmare before Christmas

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