Update 4.9 Patch Notes

Statler: Say, what’s with all the monkey business?

Waldorf: Well, Aladdin’s pet monkey just came into the game.

Statler: I’m not talking about him. I’m talking about these guys.

(Statler and Waldorf’s booth is overun with monkeys in a barrel from Toy Story)

Waldorf: Oh.


Now that is funny


Yunno always complains about the little of things


Yunno,stop being rude to them and just stop complaining about everything,they can’t always be perfect

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So Abu looks interesting.

To be honest, I don’t think these stamina increases will be that much larger. They will help and all, but this game will still be highly money based. Whales have survived off extra badge booster crates, and that’s it. Not extra stamina packs. If the team wants to keep whales, they must find a way to make everything more accessible.

As for bug fixes, I have a slight issue. Joy and Donald have remained useless for what- 2 months? For R0 players, they might be unaware of the issues with Donald and Joy. If they spend all of their resources upgrading these heroes, they might have just wasted 50mil gold and 30k stamina. Perblue should focus on the most pressing bugs, and not procrastinate these. Even bring back the Roadmap or the Issues List so players can be aware of the current issues.

By the way, special thanks to @Musketeer for always guiding everyone through these updates and helping us understand.


There is no need to beef out your issues here. Either be polite and address the issue to staff, keep your thoughts to yourself, or just mute them and move on if you must.


Sorry pal:(

It’s ok. Just for reference to not cause any drama. That is against the ToS :slightly_smiling_face:

How’s the game going for you so far?

This is my morning :slightly_smiling_face: so thank you, I have enough sleep

All we need now is Iago and the whole Agrabah gang (and Jafar) will be here.

Good for you,but just give them some time,I’ve played a lot of bro collecter games and they’ve haven’t been fixing stuff but they try

Okay, please. Complaining about something is helping at all.
Please give them time, it requires patience.
I may not be patient all the time, but I always appreciate the staff’s creative work, and as an artist myself I approve that.

Edit: I may be a little late on replying to you, and I do apologize if you’re already settled.:+1:

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Is wall-e patch talents going to be fixed in this patch notes??

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Abu is friends with Silver?

I would have gone with Barbossa.

Both are thief


Just like that Thief lady!

But yeah, I’m excited for Abubu’s Elite Campaign!

We finally have Abu!


The problem is…
Yes it takes time
But how much time is appropriate?

A year to fix a bug that prevents us from completing surge or use two heroes?
2+ years to fix the economy of yellow rank?

We warned the team the scaling is not correct years ago, yet nothing was done.
And now we are in this situation where update 5.x might in all reality be the last update before the project is scrapped due to lack of players and funds
And they wonder why?

If I was a house builder and the wall kept falling over, and I took a year to fix it.
I would not see the next day…
Just saying

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