Update 5.2 Patch Notes

Moon girl and Devil Dino are Marvel they can’t be included

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I’d gladly take another muppets character lol

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Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur won’t make it unless they negotiate with Marvel

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That is kind of strange considering that DHBM was created before Sorcerer’s Arena and Mirrorverse.

I think that Sorcerer’s Arena has it worse than DHBM because updates for DSA updating is incredibly slow with everything. It gets new character for months at a time, they won’t even fixed the bugs like having character use their basic attack the second you get your turn in PvP occasionally and don’t even get me started on the drop rate.

Mirrorverse on the other hand, gets the good stuff. They release characters at a much faster rate, the art for them is phenomenal and even have little events and side stories for them, they give lots of stuff at generous prices and they are not stingy with their rewards.

So, DHBM is some where in the middle here.


Thank you all for the Hero suggestions, but let’s get back on topic: the patch notes!


Is there gonna be a refresh for Kida since she is Challenger @Samm???


I can understand if Disney wanting to focus on promoting new things for Disney Sorcerer’s Arena around the time it came out, like back in 2020-2021 if not 2022 as well.

However, now in 2023 I don’t really see the point of Disney Sorcerer’s Arena having the first priority seemingly on new franchises/movies like Encanto.
In my view Disney Heroes, Disney Sorcerer’s Arena should be equal release priority wise as both of them are older-ish now.

Disney Mirroverse I can understand getting the first priority now as it recently came out globally, however in regards to character releases I think they have said that they will slow down with new character releases now. (You can check their Discord I think and hear more on that there).

But yeah, back to the Patch Notes and yeah looking forward to the new Refreshes and Talents for the refreshed characters ^^.

Just wanted to finish up my comment to Mister_Toon, but yeah finished now Samm :-).


Hey, @Samm. Do you think Anne Boonchuy will be in the game one day? just asking.

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:thinking: I think Yes she mind come next hopefully


I hope so as well.

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Not every whale knows about The Muppets

I hope she gets added too!


That’s sad!

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I don’t think the resolved issues would soon get fixed, and I can’t believe Sarah and Powerline would still have their bugs in the update. This is definitely bad.

Agreed, very sad that they can’t be added.

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While my me and my Muppet bias are very excited for Sweetums, even I have to admit the series’ numbers are getting unhealthily high.

If I had it my way, I’d probably be tempted to fill this roster with more Muppets, but that wouldn’t be healthy. Especially nowadays, because the game is in its elder years. Character releases probably have more hype than ever because people want to see their favorites get in before the plug gets pulled.

I think it’s time to close the curtains and kill the house lights. Sweetums is in, and everyone else got refreshed. That’s all the show we need tonight, folks.


I could see some more Muppet characters in the game. Like the Dog and Sam.

@Samm kida never got a refresh during the Atlantis trials so shouldn’t she get one here? Ala Moana triton and clawhauser



I don’t know when it will my friend.

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