Update 5.2 Patch Notes

This is quite possibly the most exciting patch notes I’ve anticipated in a while!:star_struck:
Before I talk about Sweetums, I understand that some of you aren’t a fan of some certain franchises that had plenty of characters, and announce the next one up. Me personally, I’m totally cool with that, especially last time when Flash was the new hero (from Zootopia) a few months ago.
But anyway, talking about Sweetums, he’s pretty hilarious in most of the Muppet content, especially in The Muppet Movie! He has a great amount of strength, as he can crash through pretty much anything such as walls like when he suddenly crashes through the movie screen at the end of The Muppet Movie!:joy:
His friend campaigns look brilliant, I can tell the one with Kermit sounds pretty obvious, while the one Mr. Big & Koslov sounds really interesting (also first Muppet/Zootopia friend-campaign?:thinking:).
Moving right along (Yes, I said it!:grin:), the season 9 patch trials is very exciting this time. For the Muppets, finally!!! It’s about time to play the music, light the lights, and about time to get things started! You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this, especially when some of the Muppets I use include Gonzo & Kermit are some of my strongest heroes currently. And I certainly hope these hero improvements will work much better for them!:+1:
I’m also cool with the other 2, Hercules and Princess & Frog (sorry, T.L.M. Is not my thing), I honestly thought about Hercules getting patch trials at some point.
Moving on to improvements, the chat and lineups sound interesting, though I’ll wait and see on those and learn more about them once I finish updating. For the bug fixes, I noticed that Sarah Sanderson was totally off when either I use her or fight against her. Because when she’s K.O. she makes a shocking (“huh?) sound repeatedly I once noticed. Isn’t that one of the bug fixes?
As for the crates, I’m most excited for Flash for the guild crate, so now I can finally give him one more star! :star:
Wow! I had so much to unpack here. What a solid announcement overall, and I’ll be ready to have Sweetums join the Muppet league in no time!:+1::sunglasses:
:white_small_square:Sweetums: “What?! I’m about to join the Muppets in Battle Mode?!? Oh Yes!! I’ll get my stuff!”
[crashes through wall and runs on the street]
“Hey Kermit! Fozzie! Everyone! Wait for me! I’m off to join you all to battle! Here I come!”🏃🏻‍♂️



Very good patch notes

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Why thank you! I had so much to say here.😮‍💨

Tho it was very long to read,I can agree this is very good patch notes

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Yeah, I know. That’s what I get for getting overwhelmingly hyped for this update.:laughing:

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Pleasure to meet ya,the name be Marshy matey

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As far as I know, The white skill has changed completely and the green skill has only partially changed if compared to data (And the skills will also change a bit because of the change). Maybe they’re so meh and Disney doesn’t like it 🤷🏼

And maybe the reason he was delayed for almost 3 months. Anyway, I have a pretty high appreciation for art.


Но есть же персонажи каторые показали всех способностей но их ещё не добавили персонажей из хранитель лев но некаторые думают что леди баг и супер кот из дисней

Most likely, yes. A lot of other heros more in need of a buff than they are though.

He came to mind as the one currently destroying my Arena and Coli lines - one tap shotting heros 3-5 times his own power single-handed when I’m attacking him. Buffing old heros only does so much when the new heros still kill them while hardly trying… it feels like the standard is always rising faster than older heros can keep up, particularly when we keep seeing buffs on heros that haven’t been here that long.

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That good a muppets character, but no lone Range character on DHBM?


I am unsure about the Lone Ranger characters coming. That’s for the team at perblue to decide.

Also, when I saw Gonzo’s refresh, I spit my tea everywhere. He desperately needed this. And now I need to get a different pair of trousers…(they are soaked)


Yes! When will they add Emperor Kuzсo?


Oh yes thanks you, I like a Range lone.


I’m flattered, but they may or may not be coming to DHBM.


But, that my favorite character Range lone on Disney.


Well, it doesn’t confirm they are coming.
Besides, I spilled a bag of crisps and I have to clean them up.


I would say, yes please.


Ok sounds good what about Sasha Marcy Sprig Polly and Hop pop can they come too


Well yes as well, after all we can’t leave some of Anne’s friends behind.
If you know what I mean.

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