Update 5.9.01 Patch Notes

As long as all the QoL Improvements are done, you’ll be working on new heroes to add. Until then, it’s time for an encore battle pass.


Them yes, rest isn’t needed.


Hm. Wonder how many threads in each track.

And I wonder how many threads will be available through the new Prize Wall. It’s nice to see that a refresh comes with being featured in the Prize Wall, and Daisy is an excellent candidate for one at this time, with solid kit that just needs some stat buffing to make her a formidable foe once more. I’m also glad to see an increase in Stamina Consumables and look forward to see what the quests are. As for the Wish Crates… they’re nice, but I’m worried they’ll just cut into the number of Badge Booster Crates we might otherwise expect to get.

This definitely sounds very promising, though again I’m worried how much of this content will be available to players spending little to no money.

Interesting; I wonder if this might make it worth buying some of the new badges in the shop.

Going by what I understand “gear” to be referring to… Is this talking about the lag caused by Power Promote?

I sort of want more information on this, as it seems like something with the potential to affect how they perform in fights in general.

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I think this might be Battle Badge :face_with_monocle: not 100% sure though, someone with the data files to hand would know

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I hope they’ll add Home on the Range. It’s one of my favorite Disney movies.


I’m excited to see the mastery skins and prize walls return I’ve been waiting for ages to see these come especially the prize wall I can’t wait to get daisy in challenger attire :heart_eyes:

Assuming that you can actually get badges completed from Emerald 6 :unamused: I can no longer do that because the stamina costs are absolutely out of this world now. It’s significantly decreased my interest in this game, and if these massive stamina amounts start occurring for previous levels, I’ll officially be out. I do not enjoy the change that occurred with Emerald 6.


Now as E7 is released you can get R6 badges from badge crates.

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RIP Funny Number.

Vewy Epic.

I really like this idea!

I can’t wait for some of my favorite Heroes to get these!


Very cool

Looking forward to it.

I think cosmetics based on New Heroes is great, but it leaves me wondering why so many cosmetics are missing from Cosmetic Collections.

I feel like this is a blessing and a curse. This could turn out to be very good for the game but right now it feels like nothing much is happening in the game. If we see some big good improvements though it will ultimately be worth it.

I hope we go back to a slightly faster release cadence sometime next year.

But that’s just my thoughts.


You could adjust the amount of gold we earn in the game, gold from the port and other sources aside from the outbreak, it’s useless compared to the cost of the higher badges.

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I really hope that ether anne boonchuy dipper pines or max goof get added as heros


Well I hope so too

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Nice update, but you could increase the gold in the City watch either. It’s still the same for many months even though there been already many increases for spending the gold.


Yeah they should fix the gold income




Still no fix to the ad rewards?

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But we want more new heroes!


Out of curiosity, when is the merger between servers planned to happen? There was such an incredible push to bring all players in all servers to the same level to make the merger happen, then… nothing :confused:
We lost far too many good players from that push so to have it not happen at the same pace seems unfortunate…

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We’re getting closer and closer…

Really uncanny.

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