Update 6.0.1 Patch Notes


If this is the case, then I apologize for the confusion. I did not recognize the username and as such didn’t think them to be a potential spammer.

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@Samm and @TheGrillFather, did something change with Kuzco? I remember him gaining skill power and basic damage based on the basic damage value, not the skill level…

It was changed 2 months ago with his nerf.


Nice to see a Prize Wall hero again! Unexpected, but very welcome

Hopefullly the F2P players can also get the costumes, unlike with Elsa, our Mayor’s assistence Bellwether and Kronk

Looks good

That took a long time …


It’s shreddin’ time! Max rides on his skateboard through the battlefield, dealing Normal Damage to all enemies. After riding his skateboard Max gains increased Movement and Attack Speed for a time.

While using this Skill, Max is Untargetable and immune to Disables. This skill reminds me of Huey duey and louies skateboard skill

You’re kidding me. He does fantastic damage, doing THAT?! Get serious!

All of Disgust’s moves do Fantastic Damage and all she does is make faces and wave her hands at enemies…


Clawhauser and Corey the Manticore can cause fantastic damage simply by being near enemies. :man_shrugging:


But why, for God’s sake?! Whose ridiculous idea was that?!

But why, why it bothers you?


It’s just a game. Don’t be so dramatic about it.

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@TheGrillFather @Samm
I understand balancing needed to be put on hold for this month, and overall the situation is much better than it was a few months ago so it’s not really even that big of a deal for the most part. But is there a chance we can have a cap added to this part of Joy’s red skill with this update?

She can keep her huge heals and buffs for now, and so can other heroes who still need nerfs. But this thing alone is capable of causing situations similar to what Eda did before her nerf - to the point where certain lines are impossible to beat without using Joy herself, as nothing else will outlast her buff removal blocking (which says it lasts for 25 seconds but can even last a minute in pvp modes thanks to how the timer works there).

Me and many others are tired of seeing every single good opponent have a Joy + percentage heals line, and every single time have to waste our own Joy, only for it to still time out 90% of the time. It doesn’t even have to be Joy + Eda, just any well built line with percentage based heals ends up like this. Having to deal with this for another whole month at best would be just awful.


With a cap she will be a lot worse.
And there are no Armor and Reality buffs, so game will just become who is faster at dealing damage.

And without the cap it’d be broken even if it were reduced to 10% of heals. Would rather have her main utility be the rest of her kit, which is still great without this anyway. Nobody else blocks buff removal especially…

Besides nobody else can have more than a few hundred billions HP at most. Her buff reaching not only trillions but quadrillions and past that is super unfair.

That mainly happens because of Shatter and Pierce.

Statler: Finally, we really have something to really complain about.

Waldorf: What? That a teenager is in the game or the game itself?

Statler: Both.

Statler and Waldorf: Doh-ho-ho-ho


@TheGrillFather @Samm
Is it possible to get Powerline and Judy buff with update?


And don’t forget, change Kim’s purple ability, please. She is the only character with 3 skills not counting the red one.


Does that mean that Max is gonna have Mastery Threads pieces obtainable by Prize Wall after a few days or that only for this prize wall there are hero chips as the grand prize of each stage instead of Mastery Threads?

Surprised goofy isn’t one of Max’s friendships

Also happy we’re possibly going back to having heroes in prize wall bc I like battle pass and all but I think having them in prize wall makes it a lot easier for f2p players

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