Update 6.0-A Patch Notes

Oh, what? What do you mean

This was shared on the official Discord, so Iā€™m assuming itā€™s OK to repost publicly:

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Where the next patch circle, think should add it before the characters get balanced, as will say balanced then add the next patch teir then it will probs mess it up again lol

Hopefully at least a 4 to 5 times as much increase as it is now, MINIMUM!!!

Also, the amazing minds that run this game should recalculate the rarity levels used in Surge. Why is our guild facing rarities higher than we on average have as a guild? Itā€™s a struggle to win the higher zones anymore.

Hopefully this time stamina increase actually means something

Last time, the increase at lv 421 was totally useless and meaningless. If this time is the same then donā€™t even bother

I still canā€™t believe the visual hero bug fixes are not available at all when users see them. Something seems strange about this. No coincidence or offense.

@TheGrillFather any news?


Iā€™m concerned if the servers are down.

I donā€™t see an Update on the Play Store, yet. :confused:

Thatā€™s normal, itā€™s only a server update.
It does seem to be later than usual though-

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I gotta know the difference between a ā€œServerā€ update and an ā€œAppā€ update, next time.

From the banner it sounds like the maintenance will be short at least

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Reconnectingā€¦ message just appeared.

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