Update 6.4-A Patch Notes

Since when million = one time?

She deals way too much damage, too fast, with too much debuffs which last for too long. Her blue deals 660B and it increases when she has hardy stacks. She needs nerf.

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Ever heard of zurg musketeer? Guess not always was a low level player. Your answer is nerf everything. Thereā€™s counters to ever hero including eda that you are whinging about!!!


You get your wish, but with those 2 gone other problems will surely arise and you will complain about thatā€¦ when 1 or 2 OP toons die new ones always step up to the plate and becomes a big problemā€¦


They are already existing problemā€¦
If there was no change, then you literally explained current situation.

That is Eda and Negaduck (and few others) now.

Glad you understand nerfs are required to keep BALANCE.

But DHBM players always cry when even a word nerf is mentioned. Because surely Zeus in his days didnā€™t needed a nerf, and before Randallā€¦ and the others.

Just let devs balance the heroes so everyone will be viable, or closer to that.

At current state you can delete 150 heroes and nothing would change.

Ducky & Bunny was buffed, they do decent damageā€¦ but someone is using them? No. Because Eda, Negaduck, Rose, Skinner, Felix (SP), Evil Queen will still do even more damage, and for Eda and Rose will also apply 829492 debuffs. What is the point.

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Well, thatā€™s an issue that probably wonā€™t get addressed and only get worse as time goes on, with each new character applying more and more effects. You mentioned Ducky and Bunny, andā€¦well, the two have always been some of the most, if not the most barebones characters in the entire game, so expectedly they have very little chance to compete.

Of course it wonā€™t be addressed if it wonā€™t be even attempted and when it is people moan like it is end of the worldā€¦

They still were meta in 2019. Shego is also mainly damage only and she was meta years later.

And now Elsa and Flynn for example do a lot more damage but their usefulness face flat vs anything meta now, and thatā€™s because Eda does way too much, Negaduck does easily more damage because of broken purple skill, and then Rose also does so much damage while also applying Tomā€™s of effects, and some other franchises still need to be balanced.

Changes are needed.


I would probably add Dante to that list he is a pain to deal with

They were, sure, yet that is thanks to them having insane numbers back at the day, which shows how some characters depend on them in comparison to others. I mean, was Megara ever buffed in the gameā€™s history? Once, I guess, but she still managed to find her place due to her uniquness. Joy has been meta since forever and probably always will be. Number-related toons are always doomed to fade away.

Welp, thatā€™s an issue with any meta: with so much competition it isnā€™t enough to be good or even great, you have to be the best. People will always go for the strongest characters, no matter how much stronger they are - even a tiny difference elevates them. And that is also an issue for PerBlue - they want (and need) people to try out new characters, but you canā€™t just play it, you need to invest in them a lot, and no one is about to do so just because. Well, if only they really like this character. So yep, the meta issue can become less of an ussue with balance changes, but it will remain a thing till the very end.

Mirabel and Heimlich are basically Dante 2.0, and arguably even more in need of an eventual nerf. Their invincible statuses being unable to be removed is problematic, particularly Heimlich as he will use it repeatedly and thus timing will be crucial. Personally, I feel the increase in characters having buffs that cannot be removed is a slippery slope, as those characters will always be stronger simply because they have immunity.

Meta has always been an issue with the game, as with most that see gradual character releases. There was a time Merida and Jack Sparrow were the meta purely because they could hit everyone on field. The days of Randall before precise arrived were certainly problematic at times. Such as it always has been. However, within the last yearish or so the meta got really steep, to where as others have said, if you built a few certain heros nobody else mattered. Just a couple days ago I had an Eda hold up long after her allies were gone, even against my 5 heros that were all higher individual total power. Thatā€™s a good indication sheā€™s too strong. These newer heros keep being given too many op skills and buffing capabilities.


Will they nerf Lion King & Mickey & friends too someday?

Is no one going to talk about how exp bottle drops were decreased significantly :eyes:

I need xp drinks, why were they decreased :worried:

Eda has become too weak.
Considering all decreases in reduced damage dealt, reduced damage taken, shield HP, heal amount, duration of buffs, number of stacks of hardy, stats, she is now 10x or more softer than before.
Especially, she can only reduce damage dealt by 35% with white skill and reduce damage taken by 25% with blue skill, which were both 75%, and she takes 7.8x damage compared to before.
Iā€™m happy to see her damage decreases, but canā€™t accept her defense dropped drastically like that.
She is a tank.
Thereā€™re lots of ways to counter her and many players who claim she is too op are just not using the proper heroes.
Anyway, she is now too soft, so I request rebalancing of Eda (especially around her tankiness including survivablity and protecting others) so that she can be used as a strong tank, not a dps.

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No, she didnā€™t become too weakā€¦

Will the promised Server Merge finally materialize :smiley:

What makes you think so?
As I said, she is now at least 10x more beatable than before.
She was strong, but could be countered by several ways such as hardy stacks, buff removal, fatigue, damage reduction ignore patch, etc.
To make it simple, letā€™s assume she has 100B HP.
Then she has virtually has 1.6T HP due to ā€œ75% reduced damage dealtā€ and ā€œ75% reduced damage takenā€, but now she has only 200B HP because those buff and debuff got nerfed, and importantly, she has even less virtual HP than that because she has less armor/reality, shield HP, heal amount, etc.
How can 1.6Tā†’200B not be too weak?
Decreasing her survivability that much went too far considering that she is a tank and that there are many heroes and skills that can neutralize/counter her.
Do you have any support for your claim?

Does anyone have screencaps showing the decrease? I.e., one from before the decrease, one from after?

No, but I remember getting around 3m exp bottles after 20m stanima being used, now itā€™s roughly 2k per 150k

There are no orange and below drinks drop now, but the most important yellow and red drinks have same drops. So, less gold.

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