Update 6.4-A Patch Notes

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They broke the game.

Suddenly drop of drinks was increased

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We don’t allow datamines/leaks for upcoming heroes unless they’re fully confirmed by the devs


She is still doing just fine - I lost a battle only a few minutes ago because of her still op skill kit. Eda still remains among the top tanks, far as my experience goes.

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Generally speaking, attackers are strategically more advantageous than tanks in this game.
Attackers can penetrate tanks’s defense with armor/reality negation, true damage, shatter/pierce, devastating blows, buff removal, shrewd strikes, and so on, while tanks don’t have immunity or ways to prevent these.
For example, Go-Go can deal over 300 billion true damage with her purple skill while ignoring enemy’s damage reduction and removing shields.
On the other hand, heroes who deals ridiculous damage but doesn’t have enough skills to penetrate tanks defense can’t deal much damage.
Eda was strong because she could withstand damage from heroes who didn’t have anti-tank skills, but not unbeatable as there were anti-tank heroes who had high damage and penetration like Go-Go.
So, using appropriate heroes who are effective to the enemy heroes brings you win, and this is called strategies.
But now she has become significantly vulnerable to damage dealt by heroes who don’t have obvious anti-tank skills, and that’s exactly what I can’t accept!
Simply put, many heroes including those who are not tank crushers can now take her down because of this nerf and that’s not good for a tank.
Heroes with high penetration killing tanks is understandable, but tanks being KO’ed by heroes who don’t have specific tank killer skills due to tanks’ low survivability is just unacceptable.
Reducing her toughness while attackers already have upper hand over tanks kills strategies and less fun.

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Lol ok then

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Your source being?


The Disney heroes battle mode wiki

But anyone can edit it


She has a revive, berserk, shields and heals herself, gives herself hardy and a multitude of other buffs, what more do you want from her. Eda is still in far better standing than literally 90% percent of the tank heros in game even post nerf.

Ooh. can you nerf buzz next?

Most buffs can be countered by buff removing skills/stacks of fatigue, shields can be also easily removed/destroyed by patch talents or other shield killing skills, heals can be prevented by curse/corruption, berserk can be neutralized if slowed or disabled.
Eda (and most of other heroes) don’t have any means to resist these countermeasures.
If she was unreasonably strong, like 100T HP/armor/reality with negation/true damage/shrewd strikes/buff removal immunity and incoming damage always reduced by 95%, then I would totally agree with nerf.
But she was not that ridiculously unbeatable, instead, she was a strong hero that can be countered by proper skills.
As I said, reducing her “reduce damage dealt” 75%→35% and “reduce damage taken” 75%→25% went too far.
If both were reduced to 60%, she would take 2.56x damage, which is almost equivalent to fighting against enemies who are 25 levels higher than her.
I suppose she would be noticeably weaker even 60%.
But she now takes 7.8x damage, which is nearly equivalent to taking damage from enemies who are 57 levels higher.
Plus, she has less shields and heals along with reality.
Previously, she could only be taken down by a handful of strong heroes with high penetration or with lots of debuffs, so she was a strong tank.
But now she takes 7.8x damage with less reality, shield HP, heal, so lots of heroes who couldn’t deal much damage to her now can give her a fatal blow, which means she’s become a lot less tanky.
Why on earth she needs to be nerfed that much?
Isn’t making like 60% reduce damage dealt/taken and 75% shield enough?

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