Update 6.4 Patch Notes

This was not what we wanted when we said we wanted more guild perks :sweat_smile:

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  1. We donā€™t talk about a newcomer in this game, no no. (Yes, Iā€™m doing a reference)
  2. Heimlich is planning to be a beautiful butterfly in this game.

Also, I think you meant Pumbaa, since Pumba a typo.

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Nice to see Bruno join, even if Iā€™m somewhat worried heā€™ll turn out to be either too fragile to be useful or too OP. Threading the needle to make him strong without falling to either extreme seems like itā€™d be difficult. Heimlich isā€¦ an unexpected addition but not an unwelcome one. His skillset looks just OKish, but I guess weā€™ll see.

I was about to say something about how promising these campaigns look, butā€¦ yeah. Maybe someday.

The toys definitely need to be rebalanced, but Jessie is another one of those heroes whoā€™s fairly hard to make strong without tipping over into being too OP, while also keeping her from being too fragile to do anything. And with one franchise per season getting rebalancedā€¦ well, maybe Nick will get a decent buff in 2026.

Will the cost of the current perks be reduced, as has been the normal practice in the past?

This sounds very promisingā€¦

ā€¦until I get to this next line, which sounds awful and undercuts the promise of the first change. The future trends toward P2W, I guess.

I still think it would be better to rework how Invasion and City Watch difficulty are calculated, but as long as the increases are reasonable this shouldnā€™t be too punishing to new players, and itā€™s admittedly a much easier attempt at a fix.

Thanks :+1:

Except that was never a bug; Mama Bot has always been immune to Disables but vulnerable to other debuffs. I just hope this change doesnā€™t also make her immune to other debuffs, or else Invasion will go from admittedly too easy to absolutely impossible.

Iā€™d write more, but I would just wind up repeating what Pipsqueak already said, so just go re-read that.


Hopefully that includes buffs for Bo, finally :sweat_smile:


Sad, my underrated Rex will be nerfed :smiley:


Bo and Ducky and Bunny will rise from the dead. Especially Ducky and Bunny with the patches they got :pray:

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Corey? Hmm. I wouldā€™ve gone with Hades for Bruno. You know with it them being the black sheep in their families and if Hadesā€™ scene with the Fates is anything to go by.

I think Heimlichā€™s campaign with Timon and Pumbaa will be interesting.

I see this as an absolute win.

Awesome and nice!! :slightly_smiling_face::+1::heart::green_heart:

Iā€™m so exited for these to come out, I wanna try these right away

Since when is this?

Mama Bot was never immune to Shatter before as far as I know? When was this implemented?

Or is this ā€œbug fixā€ just a change in the game?

Good to see other people also comment on this btw!

This will make Invasion impossible to complete and Iā€™m sure I will stop playing that part of the game if this change is implemented.

A level cap as Musk suggested for heroes like The Mayor and Quasimodo is something I could have lived with. This however, takes it way too far into the wrong direction.


And all the older heros that rely on disables for their kit sink further into being unviable in the current metaā€¦ some heros are borderline useless in the current meta with how stacked these new heros are coming in.

Ugh determination again, heā€™s giving me Dante impressions and not in a good way. Have to say though, was not expecting another Bugā€™s Life character!

Not looking forwards to seeing how the old Toy Story kits fare against all the new heros in the patch fight pool. Buffing stats doesnā€™t fix an outdated skill kit. Kim Possible franchise could do with a small buff too honestly.

If itā€™s anything like how the other rebalances have gone, not great. It just makes it all the harder to get a strong team arguably, because skills base on TL, NOT rank. I frequently run into players that are packing a solid punch because they have a high team level and high skills instead of tossing resources in the black hole of rank. Basically all this change is liable to do is make it harder for newer players.

Plenty of others have mentioned the invasion ā€œfixā€, so I wonā€™t comment on it other than it gives me even less interest in doing invasion.
Also still no Jim Hawkins fix? The guyā€™s out here reviving entire teams for multiple patches now, are you at least looking into it?


in fairness to PB on this, we also often see complaints from players whoā€™s TL vastly outmatches their actual hero levels and upgrades because of the amount of stamina available early on now, and their experience in some game modes is ruined as a result

So the change is good in that respect, but yeah, recent such increases have been far too heavy handed :grimacing:


I guess we have to talk about Bruno now, right?

We finally got the beautiful butterfly!


Oh my goodness! So much to say here! Where do I start?:grinning:
Uh oh, itā€™s looks like we got someone we donā€™t talk about! Jokes aside, Bruno is an amazing addition to Encanto! Heā€™s my favorite character out of the bunch!:+1:
As for Heimlich, I always thought about having him join the team! Heā€™s personally my favorite character from A Bugā€™s Life thanks to his funny humor and performance of the late Joe Ranft!:star_struck:
Moving forward to Patch Season, this should also be exciting! I better upgrade some of the heroes from each franchise. I believe Encanto will combine with A Bugā€™s Life in terms of franchise trials.
Itā€™s a little overwhelming, yet Iā€™m still ready for this once again!:+1:

Bruno: ā€œWhat is this place?ā€:thinking:
Heimlich: ā€œI donā€™t know. But it sure looks awful crowded!ā€:open_mouth:
Mirabel: ā€œBruno! I canā€™t believe youā€™re here! I was wondering if youā€™re going to come here someday!ā€:grinning:
Bruno: ā€œWell Iā€™m surprised to see you too Mirabel! Do you mind showing me this place to get familiar with it?ā€:slightly_smiling_face:
Mirabel: ā€œOf course! Follow me!ā€:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Flik: ā€œHey, Heimlich! Iā€™m so glad you finally came here! I want to show you the whole place! I bet youā€™re going to love this! You may even find some delicious food to eat!ā€:wink:
Heimlich: ā€œFood?!? Yes!! I canā€™t wait! Iā€™m so hungry! Letā€™s find a place to eat!:smiley:
Flik: ā€œThen follow me! Youā€™ll be in for a treat!ā€:yum:


Who talked about Bruno :angry: 1000002342


These characters are nice but I hope thay do oswald for prize wall and anxiety for battle pass next Iā€™m not giving up on my hope

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